Fireworks. [Chapter Forty-Five]

Jun 11, 2011 14:38

Title: Fireworks
Author: Harriet, a.k.a masokisstiic  
Rating: R 
Pairing: Alex and Jack, if the kids don't believe, make them believe.
POV: Third
Summary: So it's true what they say, if you love someone, you should set them free.
Disclaimer: Totally fictional, soz.
Credit: Title to YouMeAtSix
A/N: Okay so this is relatively short, rushed, probably not what you'd have expected from me either. I can only apologise, 'cause it's been hard trying to maintain muse for this story. I have both good news and bad news about this, though. The good news is that I only have one more exam left, one which doesn't need much revising at all, so I can begin to update more frequently. The bad news though, is that there's probably only two, maybe three chapters left of the entire fic. It's slowly coming to a close, and I hope this is okay, I think you'll all agree it's been a long run that needs to finish soon anyway.


The two boys had looked each other, deep into one another’s eyes, and they knew that everything was okay again.
Just how it should be.

They wrapped themselves in each other’s arms, reminding themselves of how truly beautiful it felt to be like this. And it was all so familiar, everything that they’d missed so dearly, the reminiscent memories, they were all coming back to them. They remembered how it felt like to love and be loved, but deep down they guessed they never really forgot, they just never bothered searching for it amongst all that hurt.

Neither boy wished to pull apart from such a moment. They wished they would stay there forever because it was the most peaceful they’d been in a long, long time. The silence in the room was perfect too, with only their light sobs and their heavy breathing filling the air, yet surprisingly it still remained comforting.

Because they had each other.

Alex was the one to eventually manage to prise his fingers away from his lover’s shoulders, and he was certain the other boy would be left with small bruises from where he’d dug them in so hard.
He smiled, as if he hadn’t done that enough already, and pressed his lips to the tip of Jack’s uneven nose.
“I love you.” He said softly, and threaded his fingers through Jack’s hair until they settled around his nape.
“I love you too.” Was the quiet response, and they kissed.

But this time, it wasn’t for just a few seconds.
This wasn’t a light brush with barely any contact.
This was real, and they could kiss with all the force in the world.
They could nip at one another’s bottom lip before harshly pushing their mouths together again, moaning, sighing, making up for all of those kisses that they’d lost in time.

Jack groaned as Alex’s fingernails dug into his back, and shivers climbed up his spine as he gasped and panted.
He hadn’t felt intimacy like this for too long, much too long.

And when Alex finally released his grip of him, he knew that he should probably go back home.
He was left breathless and he didn’t want to face another night alone.

It was strange how his voice filled with deep moans and groans soon turned timid and weak once more as his breathing grew heavier, paying off his oxygen debt.
The other boy paused, cocked his head, before tying his arms around Jack’s waist and settling his hands on the boy’s flat stomach. “Mm?” He answered, resting his chin against the other’s shoulder, his nose pressed into Jack’s neck contently.
“Can you… can you stay with me tonight, please?”

Alex didn’t need asking twice.
He let go of the boy for the third time, and stood to his feet.
“You think I’d be able to sleep on my own knowing that I could be with you?”
Jack just shrugged in response, and Alex chuckled, “Just let me get a few things and we can go back to yours. I know you’re probably gonna wanna see your mum to the airport and make sure she’s okay, so it’d be easier if I just stayed at yours for the night. Even if we’re on the floor, at least you’ll have me to be your pillow, eh?”
And Jack smiled, nodding, ‘cause this was what he’d missed too.
He’d missed having somebody understand him, every little inch of him. Understanding his thoughts, what he wanted, what he’d do, and it was nice to see that Alex had made him his priority. It was something he’d be happy to get used to.

“Thank you.” Jack whispered, and Alex smiled, believing that he was only referring to the pillow comment.
But he wasn’t, no, ‘cause Jack was thanking him for everything.
Jack was thanking him for taking him back, for continuing to love him, for proving it to him, and for forgiving him when he probably shouldn’t have.
He was thanking him for not forgetting what they had, and thanking him for being prepared for the future, their future.
They were in it for the long run, and that was final.

- - - -
At least they had a good night’s sleep. Well, Alex did, ‘cause Jack didn’t want to sleep.
He was content with watching a film, (for once, it wasn’t ‘Home Alone’. No, this time it was ‘500 Days of Summer’.) and staying up for a few hours before they took his mum to the airport. It was what he planned to do anyway, and he did try to sleep, but it didn’t really work. It was nice watching Alex sleep though; he’d never seen the boy look so peaceful. He knew that this must be the first night he’s managed to sleep without waking every twenty or so minutes. Even when Alex argued that he’d been fine, the heavy bags under his eyes proved otherwise and how could he not give in to that comfortable mattress (the removal van was going to pack up everything whilst Jack’s mum was on the plane) and the warmth of both the blanket, and most importantly Jack.
The other boy’s body heat was what comforted Alex most, and being able to drape an arm over Jack’s waist whilst resting his head in the gap of Jack’s neck and shoulder, he couldn’t quite resist. He’d needed this more than he thought he did, and he fell asleep almost straight away, whispering an, “I love you.” Before his breathing grew deeper, and more relaxed.
Jack felt good knowing that at least he’d redeemed himself in one way, and he was positive that everything would go up from here. The only thing he had left to do that would be a struggle was to say goodbye to his mother, and he didn’t really want the morning to come, ‘cause maybe that was the real reason he didn’t want to sleep. Time passes faster when your eyes are closed and you’re away with the fairies. He wanted time to stop completely, he wanted to cherish the last few hours he had left with his mother before she left for a country in which he probably wouldn’t visit for a year or so to come.

His mother had always been there for him, always. Even when he didn’t think she was, like the time she wished for Jack to not see Alex, she was thinking of him and putting him first. He wished he could have done the same when his dad was ill. He wished he could have been there, instead of running circles around her with himself and Rian, but he couldn’t change the past and what’s done is done.

It still didn’t make things any easier though as she checked in her bags in the departure area of the airport, those few hours passing too quickly despite being wide awake for all of them.
But at least he had Alex there by his side, clutching his hand tight and ignoring the fact that his palms were sweating profusely. Alex was there, right there in the flesh, and he knew that he’d be okay.
Alex promised, didn’t he?
And he promised too.
This was something they’d work on, they’d work on it until it was completely perfect, and then if it broke they’d fix it again. A cycle, just like that, and it’d keep on going because there weren’t going to be any more loose ends. They’d tied them with knots like they do for boy scouts; it was secure, tight, and safe. They didn’t have to worry.

And that’s why as Jack looked into his mother’s eyes; he knew he was making the right decision after all.
Baltimore would never be his home again, not unless Alex was there to protect him and care for him when he needed it.
True, England had its many faults, but he could live with it because he wasn’t alone.

“I’ll call you when I arrive, okay?” Joyce assured her son, squeezing him tightly into a hug as she prepared to leave her little boy, who really wasn’t so little anymore.
Jack nodded, “Y-yeah, I’ll be waiting.” His voice was barely audible as he tried his hardest not to cry, and he could see that his mother was trying just as hard. “I’ll miss you Mom, so, so much.” Jack murmured into her shoulder, and she forced a laugh in return. “I’ll miss you too Jack, I’ll be back to visit sooner than you know it though. You’ve not got rid of me forever.”
And finally they managed to part, Jack frantically wiping his eyes with the backs of his hands. “I love you.” He whispered, and his mother smiled, “I know, darling. I love you too.” And she pressed a kiss to Jack’s cheek before gripping the handle of her suitcase. “Now I best go, otherwise I’ll miss my flight…” She paused, turning to Alex whose arm was supportively laced around a crying Jack’s waist.
“Can I just talk to you for a moment please Alex?” She asked.
Alex’s brows furrowed, yet he nodded all the same, letting go of Jack and stepping towards the older woman.
“Make sure you look after him, won’t you? I-I know it’s silly, but you must know how he is, a-and I just don’t want anything happening to him.”
“Of course I will,” Alex replied, “He means everything to me, absolutely everything, if anything happens to him then I- I don’t even want to imagine it. Just know that I will do my best to give him what he needs, and I know him better than he knows himself, so I’m sure he’ll be just fine.” He smiled warmly, hoping his assurance was enough to settle Joyce’s mind.
“Thank you, Alex.” She sighed, “You know, I knew he wouldn’t have stepped on that plane with me right from the beginning. I don’t know how you done it, but he’s fallen so in love with you, I can barely believe it. Just- please don’t take advantage of that. I’m sure you won’t, but just in case…”
“I love him just as much as he loves me, if not, I’d argue more. I wouldn’t dream of hurting him again, not the boy who I know I’ll marry one day. I couldn’t do that.”
“Good, I’m glad.”

Joyce signalled for Alex to go back to Jack, and the boy did willingly. He stood by his lover’s side proudly and laced their hands together, squeezing the boy’s palm tightly.
“Bye, Mom.” Jack finally managed to say, sniffing back all those dreaded emotions.
“Goodbye boys.”

And the woman smiled again, though this time it was forced.
She turned around, began to walk, and that’s when she finally cried.

- - - -

Funny to think that all of that was quite a long time ago now.
Five years, in fact.

Both boys (or could we call them men, now?) were twenty-three years old, yet still with their childish minds and hearts.
And they had come so far from that one year where everything was make or break.
That was their most important year, their most stupid, most daring, most hurtful, most wonderful year, and neither could ever forget such a time.
Sometimes they wished they could go back and relive it, if only to reminisce those memories they cherished dearly.
At least they still had their scrapbook to remind themselves of it, the forming of Jack and Alex’s relationship and all the bumps along the way, they had it all. Some pages were written in Alex’s point of view, and some of Jack’s. Sometimes they clashed, both writing accounts on the same argument yet telling their own side, and not realising their other half had the same idea. It was fascinating to see what their younger, teenage selves thought ‘cause they couldn’t remember word for word what had actually happened, and sometimes the things they said were so ridiculous it was quite unbelievable that they were ever like that.

But at least they pulled through it all; they pulled through that year and showed that they were destined to be together.
Five years down the line and finally, they were engaged.
Only recently in fact, did Alex finally get the guts to ask the boy to marry him. He’d had the ring for over a year, he admitted, but he never knew what to say, or how to make it perfect.
He googled, “romantic ways to propose” and so many ideas were pushed around in his head but it took so long to find the right one. He couldn’t be boring and just do the whole get down on one knee thing, (even though Jack had later confessed he wouldn’t have minded, typical) and he didn’t have the patience to make a treasure trail out of it, leaving clues all along the street (plus knowing where they lived, a group of chavs would mix them up everywhere for a laugh).
So, he decided to be just a little spontaneous and buy lots of glow in the dark star stickers.
You can probably guess what he did next.
Yep, he got a stepladder, and he stuck the stars on the ceiling of their bedroom, spelling out that famous phrase, “Marry me?”
This all managed to happen whilst Jack was at work, (he’s an English teacher now, after qualifying from a local university, would you believe it?) and when the boy came in, tired after an extremely long day of shitty kids and shitty marking and shitty everything, Alex led him up the stairs with a devilish grin.
Whilst their tongues were tangled, Alex pushed Jack down onto the mattress, the American male’s eyes still closed as he found himself lost in the moment. Yet once he opened them, Alex sat back on his knees, and that’s when he saw it.
His eyes widened, Alex was giving him a hopeful smile, and his reaction was to throw his lover, his stupid, stupid, lover on the floor and kiss him all over.
“I-I’m guessing that’s a y-yes?”
“Yes, yes, yes, you fucking idiot. Yes, a thousand times over. Just yes.”

And now that leaves them here. Five years on, all grown up (well not entirely), both adults with working lives, earning money, and with their own home having moved out of Alex’s parents’ house when they were twenty.
They still lived close though, often popping in for dinner because let’s be honest, neither were the most fantastic of cooks though Alex tried to claim that he was great.

Their lives seemed perfect, and I guess in a way they were. They still had each other, even though they still argued. Two years ago Jack even moved out for a month, living with a friend from university to avoid Alex.
He eventually came back with his tail between his legs though, realising that he still loved Alex, of course he did.
But that was about the only hurt they really suffered from during those five years, everything else was moving on, growing up, learning that life was a bitch but never too bad when they were together.

And they wouldn’t change any of it, nothing at all.
They were going to be together forever, especially once they tied the knot.
… Weren’t they?

Another A/N: So I've noticed that comments I've recieved for this have slowly been falling, and I know it shouldn't bother me, but it's seeing people who actually read it and say what they think, that's what spurs me to keep on writing, you know? That's what makes me want to update faster, and make a more better quality post. So, I guess I just wanted to say that if you're reading this, then I'm guessing you've just read the update, and reall I just want to hear what you think. Give me your thoughts and opinions, tell me if you think I could change something, just anything. Even if you don't have an account, I swear that the anon thing is on, so leave a comment like that. For me? Thanks.

chaptered: fireworks, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: masokisstiic, rating: r

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