Fill me with your poison [6/13]

May 04, 2011 21:34

Title: Fill me with your poison
Author: jalexbarakarth  
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
POV: 3rd
Summary: Jack was only allowed to stare from a distance, until "Hey, you want a ride home?"
Disclaimer: You know the drill, don't own the boys yada yada yada, the idea is mine tho. Title from Katy Perry's E.T
A/N: thought i'd give you a piece of alex's mind and world. it's not much, but i wanted to update because i have an exam coming up and i won't be able to write before it's over, so that means no update for two weeks. please tell me what you think though, thoughts about the length? it feels longer than the older updates, i'm not sure though... anyway, i really love reading your opinions about my writing. thanks :)


The next morning couldn't have gone more wrong.
Jack and Alex were both fast asleep when Alex's phone vibrated in his jeans' pocket on the floor. Alex heard the phone right away and when he saw that Jack wasn't bothered by it at all, he tried to grab his phone without waking the younger one. He answered it without looking at the caller ID, his voice was rough and tired, but he tried to seem more awake than he really was.

"Alex," it was his mom, sobbing. Alex started to panic, already knowing what the issue was.
"Your dad...." and she really didn't need to continue as Alex heard a loud sound of glass shattering in the background.
"Don't worry mom, I'll go to the store and I'll be there in thirty minutes the most,"

He ended the call and jumped out of the bed immediately, not really caring anymore if he'd wake Jack up or not. And as he was pulling his jeans on, Jack turned to face him, rubbing his eyes a bit before asking what the big rush was. Alex really didn't think it was the right time to explain so he just said he had to go home, walking out of the room while pulling on his t-shirt. Jack was beyond confused really, but he figured he'd find out about what was wrong later, so he went back to sleep.

Alex raced down the stairs, running to his car in front of his house and started driving to the nearest drugstore. He was nervous, he was scared, of course he was, these moments happened, but not really that often, so every time it did, he was scared for his and/or his mom's health, depending on the moment.
He drove way too fast but he really didn't care, all he cared about was getting the medicine on time. In about ten minutes he arrived in his destination and he ran into the store, demanding the needed medicine.

"I'm sorry but you have to have a recipe for this..." the lady started, trying to offer a apologetic smile.

"You don't get it do you, my dad is at home breaking stuff and probably beating my mom and you're telling me I need a recipe? I come here every two weeks god damn it what's the problem?" he was almost shouting now, and the girl behind the counter in her white neat uniform as getting scared, Alex could see it in her eyes, and he instantly regretted his shouting.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I swear if something happens to my mom I'm gonna blame you. Okay maybe that doesn't make this whole situation between us any better but do you understand, this is an emergency,"

The girl still looked terrified as she pulled open a drawer behind the counter, searching for the right orange bottle. He gave it to Alex with shaky hands and Alex gave her the money, not wanting anything back, and stormed out of the shop and to his car again.

It took him fifteen minutes to get back home and when he pulled up in front of his house and stopped behind the front door, afraid about what he finds, he took a deep breath before opening the door. The picture could've been worse, but still, it was nothing beautiful. There was shattered glass from what he recognized was a vase and two or three plates. Some pictures that were supposed to hang on the walls were now on the floor, and looking around the room, looking for more damage, he saw his dad sitting on the bottom of the stairs, head in his hands, whispering more to himself than anything, "No, no, no, no, no...."

It was a sad sight really. Alex rushed into the kitchen and found his mom sitting behind the table, sobbing, her right cheek red and there was a little cut to it too. She raised her eyes and then looked out of the window, not really wanting to make eye contact with her son. Alex went to the sink and filled up a glass of water, walking to his father then, giving him two tablets and the glass. His dad chugged it down and went upstairs, to sleep probably. Alex sighed and turned around to go to the kitchen, and saw that his mom had started cleaning up. Alex walked up to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, telling her to go to the living room and relax, and she did as told. Alex was quick to make a cup of tea for his mom and started cleaning up the mess.

'Where did this all go wrong?' he thought to himself. They used to be the perfect family, he, his mom, dad and... Daniel, his brother. That's probably when everything changed, after Daniel's death. Nothing changed dramatically, but it changed the whole atmosphere around the house. His dad took up drinking, his mom became more quiet, and then his dad started having anger management problems. It happened a long time ago, about three years ago, so he was used to how things were around the house, but being used to it didn't mean being okay with it. He still thought back to the perfect time in their life, to when everything was full of sunshine. The sunshine had been missing from his life for those past three years though. Sure, there were days when the sun would peek out from behind the clouds and make the surrounding seem prettier, but the clouds were fast to cover it up. For the past few weeks though, it seemed as if the sun was fighting its way from behind the clouds, desperate to bring sunshine on the surrounding.
Alex smiled to himself at that thought. He really liked the fact that he had met Jack properly. The younger boy made him happy. Even if they didn't know each other that much, it felt like they were friends since kindergarten. He then decided to go back to Jack's. He wanted to explain himself to him. He wasn't sure if he should do it yet, he didn't know if it was too soon to let Jack in, but he decided to give the boy a chance.

chaptered: fill me with your poison, rating: nc-17, author: jalexbarakarth

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