Feels Like I'm Falling In Love, When I'm Falling To The Bathroom Floor [1/?]

Apr 26, 2011 21:06

Title: Feels Like I'm Falling In Love When I'm Falling To The Bathroom Floor. [1/?]
Author: blueeyesamazeme
Rating: right now PG
Pairing:Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
POV: 3rd
Warnings: Self harm and eventual mpreg
Summary: Jack is a normal teenager, isn't he? And so is Alex right? Well they don't think so. Can Alex fix Jack? Can Jack help Alex?
Disclaimer: I don't own All Time Low or any other bands that appear in this fic.
Author Notes: This is my first chaptered story, it's probably crap but I hope you like it...

Jack was just like a normal high school kid. He played guitar, he listened to Blink 182 and he had average grades. Two things that set him apart was one; his homosexuality and two; his eating disorder.
A lot of kids at school bullied Jack. They hated him. He had only one friend; Zack. Zack was his rock, his protector, his everything because, really, what else did he have?

"Jack, you are coming to this party with me tonight. I've found you a date."
"No fucking way am I going to a fucking party." Jack says back.
"Yes you are. Rian has a friend who is single."
"Please tell me it's a guy."
"Yes, he is a guy." Zack says. "And yes he is gay."
"Zack, I'm fine without a boyfriend. Plus, he wouldn't want me. I'm too fat." Jack looks down at his stomach and frowns.
"You are not fat Jack. You are so super skinny."
"Yeah whatever."
"Okay, so about this party. You are coming. If you don't like it I promise to never bring you again and I'll stop bugging you. I really think you would like this boy."
"You are an asshole Zack. Fine I'll go. Happy?"
"Now what do I wear?"

Zack pulls up at Jonathan’s house, they are some of the first people there. He drags Jack into the house and straight towards the house.
“I wonder if Rian is here yet.” Zack says excitedly. Not only because he want to see his boyfriend but he really wants to see Jack healthy, and if someone to love him is going to make that happen then he need Jack to get a boyfriend asap.
“Anyone would think you hadn’t seen him for years…”
“I just miss him!” Zack pouts at his best friend.
“Okay, whatever. Mr softy.” Jack laughs.
“Zacky!” The boys hear from the doorway. Zack turns around and it’s almost like one of those movies where the happy couple are reunited on a beach or something, running towards each other sun setting in the background. Rian smiles his charming smile and starts walking towards Zack while Zack blushes and walks slowly to Rian. They meet in the middle and Jack doesn’t want to watch their ‘reunion’ which will consist of kissing, kissing and let see, kissing so he averts his eyes. Near the door a boy around his age is standing awkwardly. Jack can’t help but stare, the boy is beautiful. His blonde-brown hair covering his chocolate brown eyes. He smiles shyly when he spots Jack looking at him.
“I see you’ve spotted Alex.” Rian says.
“Yeah. Who is he? I’ve never seen him before...”
“He’s your date for tonight.” Jacks heart skips a beat. This is the boy Rian and Zack had set up for him? He didn’t measure up to him at all. Jack was way too fat, Alex was perfect.
“W-what?” Jack stutters nervously. “He’ll never want me. I’m too fat.”
“No you are not!” Zack says.
“He has... his own problems.” Rian says hesitantly. “Don’t worry. Now, are you ready to meet him?”
“I, uhh… Yeah I guess…” Rian leads Jack up to Alex.
“Hey, Alex. This is Jack.”
“Hi.” Alex says shyly looking up and smiling. Jacks heart nearly stopped. He’s never seen such a cute smile.
“Hey.” Jack says staring at his feet.
“Well, we’re going to leave you two to it.” Zack says.
“Have fun kids.” Rian adds before him and Zack walk off hand in hand.

Alex and Jack had talked for a little then decided they wanted a drink. Jack hadn’t realized how strong the alcohol was going to be and took a huge gulp of it, resulting in him running to the bathroom and throwing his guts up into the toilet. Although he was kind of glad, it saved him from having to do it himself later. After freshening up they go into a free bedroom (surprised there was even a room free) and sit on the bed.
“Any idea why they set us up?” Jack asks. Feeling a little less shy after spending a little over 3 hours with the boy.
“Rian said something about not being so lonely all the time and finding the perfect boy that would make me happy.” Jack smiles a little, Rian must have thought he was the ‘perfect’ boy for Alex.
“Do you think they made the right choice?” Jack asks.
“I-what?” Jack seemed to realize what he had just asked.
“Oh wait no, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to ask you that so quickly.”
“It’s fine, and yeah, I think they made the perfect choice.” Alex says blushing.
“Me too.” Jack says.
“So how are you feeling? You didn’t seem to handle that alcohol very well…”
“I feel about as great as I look.” Jack says miserably.
Alex smiles, “So you feel beautiful.” He says.
“What no? I feel fat and ugly.” Jack admits.
“What?! Jack you are neither fat nor ugly.” Alex says. “You look perfect to me.” He blushes a little and looks up to see Jack blushing too.
“Thanks I guess.” Jack says looking down at his hands. “It’s just I feel so fat all the time and…” He is cut off by Alex pressing his lips to Jacks. The kiss is awkward at first but then both boys melt into each other. Tongues exploring the wonders of the other boy’s mouth. Jacks hand is placed on Alex’s face and Alex’s fingers run though Jacks ebony locks. The electricity jumping from Alex’s lips to Jacks is almost too much for the young boy to bear. The kiss ends when air is absolutely vital. Jack looks at Alex then smiles and looks down at his hands. “That was my first kiss you know.” He says looking back up to Alex, his eyes staring straight into Jacks. He smiles a cute smile and kisses Jack on the nose.
“You’re gorgeous. Just leave it at that.” Alex says. Jack looks down at his hands again then back to Alex. He wants to say something but he doesn’t know what so he just leans forward and kisses Alex again.
“I think I like being with you Lex.” Jack says and smiles up at the older boy.
“Lex?” Alex asks surprised.
“Oh sorry. I shouldn’t go around making up nicknames.”
“No, I like it. I just didn’t expect it.”
“Oh okay. Well then, Lex?”
“Mmm?” Alex asks, looking at the boy next to him.
“Kiss me?” Alex doesn’t need telling twice.
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