Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets

Apr 22, 2011 17:06

Title: Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets [16/20]
Author: 23a_j10 
POV: Third
Pairing: Jack and Alex
Rating: NC-17 (Violence/Sexual-ish-ness: Overall)
Summary: Jack is the new student teacher at Alex's highschool.
Disclaimer: I don't know or claim to know the characters in this fictional story
Author notes: I'm really sorry this is so delayed, Wales is currently on easter half-term so I've been out and stuff. It's short but I'm trying to figure where it's going. Thank you for being patient :)


“They left!” Rian almost shouted in the police officer’s face who looked just as exasperated as Rian felt,

“You’re telling me that the suspect, Gaskarth tried to kill the victim, Barakat who has now taken it upon himself to save the boy who tried to kill him?”

“Yes! Jack thinks he loves Alex but he doesn’t!” Anger bubbled in Rian’s blood as the officers surrounding Jack’s apartment began to move away, disinterested. Rian clenched his fists as he walked back into the silent house. He closed the door and his eyes as he laid his back against it groaning in frustration and confusion.

“I’m sorry...”

Rian’s eyes snapped open to see an ashamed looking Zack swaying on his feet in the middle of the room. Without thinking Rian slammed the younger boy into the wall, pain shaking through the blonde’s bones as he gasped in shock.

“You’re sorry! You will be fucking sorry!” Rian drew back his fist, clenched tight as Zack shrank into the wall letting out a muffled whimper. The older boy stopped at the sound and took in the sight. Seventeen years old, scared and surrendering, not fighting back. Rian quickly surveyed the younger, he could have fought him off, or at least tried. Rian dropped his fist,


Zack opens his eyes wide, he looks like a lost baby animal of some sort. The youngest stays with his back pressed against the wall, hands holding him up like he hasn’t got the core strength to stay standing without it. Rian doesn’t think he’d ever seen someone so big look so small. Feeling a rush of regret and sympathy the older boy pulls the younger into a firm embrace.

“This must have been really hard on you” Rian tries to comfort the teenager who unsurely tries to pull away, but Rian just holds him tighter. The closeness seems to do the trick because before a minute has passed Zack is sobbing defencelessly into Rian’s shirt.

“Shh, Zack it’s okay. You don’t need to be scared anymore, he’s gone and if I know Jack, they’re never coming back”

Three months later

It was inconvenient to say the least, running away with zero planning. But apparently it was still doable. Selling Jack’s apartment and Alex’s old house along with Alex’s inheritance money and Jack’s savings was more than enough to buy them the cutest little house on Thames Street. Everything was okay, everything was more than okay. Well, for the first week and a half before Jack told Alex he needed to get a job and that Alex needed to enrol into school. Alex flipped out of his adorable disposition and corned his lover with a knife, crying and shouting before trying to reopen the deep scar he’d felt for himself last time he’d lost it with Jack. But the elder talked him down, fingers buried in his hair, pulling softly. Kisses planted gently into the outgrowing strands, down the younger’s temple and check. The next week Alex was personal chauffeured by Jack to therapy. The younger pleaded with his best puppy-dog eyes but for some reason the pouting and whimpering wasn’t getting him anywhere as Jack lead him to the door.

“Alex Gaskarth” Jack signed the younger in at reception, holding his arm tightly in case he tried to make a last minute escape. Alex continued to beg with chocolate brown eyes but Jack simply sighed and was determined to keep his promise to himself, Alex needed this, and Jack needed Alex to get better.

But now, now everything was better. Not completely better, not by a long shot but Jack wasn’t scared for his life, at least not every day.
“Alex?” Jack closes the door behind him as he calls out to his boyfriend who’s usually waiting eager for his return from work. But the house is quiet.

“Alex? Where are you?” Jack asks the silence, and the reply he gets is a heavy object being slammed into the back of his skull. Causing unconsciousness to flood over his brain and body.
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