Please Take Me Home (4)

Apr 16, 2011 22:14

Title: Please Take Me Home
Author: encouragedsmile
Rating: R
Pairing: Jalex
Warning: Mental illness
Summary: He needed imagination. He needed color, voices, sounds, feelings; anything to make his mind work. They took that all away from him though.
Disclaimer: I do not own All Time Low. Title and cut belong to blink-182
A/N: So I read through this and I wasn't too confident in posting it. Am I going too fast?


Alex was scared. He had spent the night in confinement. He had thought the whole thing unnecessary; other patients had acted more out of hand then him, and they got a light slap on the wrist with some freedom taken away. Alex had one meltdown and was forced to be alone in what he liked to call “the icebox”.

They didn’t give him anything. He was inside a padded cell; he didn’t know when he would be let out, or if that was ever going to happen. They were obligated by the law to feed him, right? He was so thirsty, the last time he had any sort of food was yesterday when the nurse came in to give him breakfast.

“Fuck!” He screamed. Alex just wanted to be free again. He hated this place with a passion. Why was it even built? To keep minds, like Alex’s, secret? To dull their imagination? Alex wouldn’t let that happen. He refused to succumb to the will of anyone in this place.

It was in that moment that he made a pledge; no longer would he be a numb shell of who he used to be. No. Never again. He would revert to his old ways. He would sing in his prison, he would dance; he would live.

In his new prison, there was one window; well, to Alex it looked like a mirror, but to anyone on the other side, it was a window into Alex’s padded cell. Carefully, Alex stood up from his sitting position and went towards the mirror. He looked so different; his eyes didn’t have the same glow to them, like the life that once inhabited fled as soon as he came to this place. His hair was a mess and in need of a haircut, and then his body; he lost a lot of weight since arriving here, and it showed clearly on his face. Alex went to touch his cheek and he could feel the bone. It frightened him.

It was at that time that a section of one of the padded walls opened. “Alexander,” he heard a voice say. Turning his head he saw one of the nurses, Elise. She was a kind one, with long blonde hair and soft hands; she was always looking out for Alex. When she was around, Mrs. Hyde wasn’t as cruel to him. Green eyes starred at Alex, waiting for a reply.

“Hi,” he whispered. It was hard to look at her; she was too good to be in the presence of something as lowly as Alex.

Elise came into the room and took Alex’s hand, “Alex, you can come out now. I’m going to bring you to the cafeteria, okay? You look like you need some food.”

A wave of shock washed over Alex. The cafeteria? He had never been in there; Mrs. Hyde said he was “too fragile” to interact with others here, so he had to be confined in his room and basically be waited on. He hadn’t really seen or talked to any of the other patients in this place, so he was excited.

Walking out off confinement with Elise’s hand in his, she led him towards the elevators. “We moved your room,” she told him, “Hyde had thought that you were too confined up in your room, so now you are allowed to use the activity rooms. It was my idea.”

Alex looked towards Elise and saw a grin on her face. If he was sure about anything, it was that Elise really did care about Alex, and that meant the world to him.

Entering the elevator, Alex realized he hadn’t changed clothes or showered in a few days. “Elise,” he called. Looking at Alex, her eyes lit up, recognizing Alex’s problem.

“I’ll get you some clothes and take you for a shower after we get some food, okay?” Alex sighed. Everything would be alright. Elise has his back.

The elevator started to descend and Alex held on tighter to Elise’s hand. He never liked these things, once when he was a kid, he and his mother were stuck for a few hours at the local mall. He refused to go in one unless it was necessary since then.

A beep signaled that this little trip had came to an end, and opening doors showed a long hallway with people milling all around. Alex was intrigued. He wanted to see what this place had to hold, but Elise moved him quickly down the hall and into what he assumed to be the cafeteria.

Patients and doctors a like sat around eating and talking. Feeling like his old self, Alex stayed close to Elise, not wanting to attract the attention of any of them. “Don’t be so nervous,” she spoke, “There is nothing to worry about.”

Moving into the serving line, Alex spotted Mrs. Hyde with someone. Upon further inspection, it looked to be a young man. He was tall, probably 6’2”, and had hair that made him look like he had just came out of bed. We match, Alex thought.

Glancing back at Alex, Elise had seen where his gaze was located. “That’s the reporter.”

A reporter. Alex always had an interest in the news. He was amazed at how tragically sad it always seemed to be. “Why is he with Mrs. Hyde?” Alex questioned.

“She is just giving him a tour today; at least that’s what she told the staff. Oh, Alex, quick, grab a plate.” Averting his gaze from the reporter, Alex grabbed a plate and continued to inch his way up on the cafeteria line.

He took some gelatin, juice, and a ham sandwich, suddenly not in the mood to really eat anything. Elise wanted to object on such small portions but decided against it. Leading Alex to a small table, they sat down and began to eat.

Even though Elise was exceedingly nice to Alex, he had never spent this much time with her. Maybe a few minutes every few days, but nothing like this. The person he spent the most time with was Mrs. Hyde, and she was forced by her job to do so.

“Why do you like me?” He asked.

Elise seemed caught off guard and almost choked on her food, “What do you mean, Alex?”

“No one gives a damn about me in this prison, but you do. Why?” Instead of answering, she just took Alex’s hand in hers again, like that was all he needed to feel and he would understand. Alex didn’t work like that though; he needed straightforward answers, he needed to know the exact reason why or else it would bug him for days on end.

“Don’t go holding my hand and all that bull shit. Tell me why,” Alex demanded.

Rolling her eyes, Elise released her hand from Alex’s and sat back in her chair, “Alex, you’re a sweet kid. From the first day you were here, I knew you were something special. After treating you for a while, I realized I really liked you because, to be quite frank, you remind me a lot of my little brother, Sean. And I know people haven’t treated you the best here, which is exactly why I’m doing this for you, okay?”

Alex was satisfied. He gave her a nod and continued to eat his lunch. Looking up from his plate, he went back to where Mrs. Hyde was with the reporter. Something was familiar about him, but Alex couldn’t place where he had seen him before.

All of a sudden, some mayonnaise from his sandwich dripped onto the table. A spark entered his mind, and without any direction, his fingers dipped in and started painting.

His mind was on its own course now, taking itself on an adventure. Alex could see lightning and fireworks explode before his eyes, new sounds whispering in his ears. With intent focus on his work, Alex began painting a barrage of flowers on the table. In the distance he could hear someone asking his name, but he ignored it. A masterpiece was about to be created, why would he stop for someone else?

His fingers danced across the table’s smooth surface, creating angles and curves like he hadn’t seen in months. Again, he could hear his name being called more furiously, but it was ignored. Words started forming on his tongue, and without thought, he spoke: “If nothing is true, what more can I do? I am still painting flowers for you.”

A slap to the face caused him to break out of this trance. Blinking his eyes, Alex looked up to see the one and only Mrs. Hyde starring down at him. Immediately, he touched his cheek and felt the sting of her hand. Next to her was the reporter, eyes bulging as if not believing what he had just witnessed. Alex could hardly believe it himself.

“Alexander, are you okay?” Elise spoke, concern lining her words. Mrs. Hyde, on the other hand, looked at Alex with disgust, as though she couldn't fathom why he was causing such trouble.

Rubbing his face, Alex replied, “Nothing is making sense at all. I don’t know what happened.”

“Of course you don’t,” hissed Mrs. Hyde, “You never do. And to think I allowed you more freedom. Maybe I should take that away?!”

His eyes weren’t focused on Mrs. Hyde and her anger, but rather the reporter. The man was starring at Alex with a combined look of worry and caring. It made Alex blush.

“Susan, you can’t take it away when he didn’t even receive it. Give the boy a chance, please?” Elise begged.

Massaging her temples, Hyde looked at Alex with her beady, black eyes, “I don’t know. Let me think for a second.”

Alex sat there, scared out of his mind, what would she do to him? Then Alex remembered the pledge he made to himself; no matter what happens next, he would make the best of it.

“How about I observe him.” Mrs. Hyde stopped and turned towards the reporter who was smiling at Alex.

A look of disbelief crossed her face, “Mr. Barakat, are you sure you want to? I thought this was going to be about the institution-“

“It’s really is no trouble, Mrs. Hyde. I think it would be interesting to see the view of a patient’s perspective on treatment,” He spoke. Alex could tell the reporter, or Mr. Barakat, was nervous as he said this, not fully confident behind his own idea, but Alex thought it would be fun; someone to talk to, to confide in. Maybe he would see the cruel person that Mrs. Hyde was to Alex.

Shaking her head, the older woman replied, “You can start tomorrow on that, I guess. Let me just finish your tour, okay?”

A glow entered Mr. Barakat’s eyes and he grinned to Alex, “My name is Jack, by the way, I look forward to meeting with you tomorrow.”

A/N: I feel like there was too much talking in this chapter. But besides that, Alex and Jack meet and they're going to be spending some time together! And trust me, just because Elise is there, it doesn't mean Alex's troubles are gone, far from it actually.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: encouragedsmile, chaptered: please take me home, rating: r

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