Chemical Moment (14/?)

Apr 15, 2011 15:08

Title: Chemical Moment
Author: crashqueen109 
Pairing: A bit of Flykarth but mostly Jalex.
Rating: NC17 overall but some chapters will be pretty tame.
Summary: Alex's bad habits have got the best of him, but the last thing he expected was for them to bring him someone new.
Chapter summary: " The lights are bright, too bright, and, oh fuck, his stomach hurts."
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Boo.
A/N: I'm sorry I took so long to post! I've just been writers blocked with this! And in regards to the post I made a couple weeks ago? That was my April Fools joke! I'm so glad a bunch of you fell for it xD It was just an excerpt from Twilight :P Here's the real Chapter 14!

My Tumblr.


Alex wakes up and has no idea what's going on. All he knows is that he's laying in a bed that is not his own, and the lights are bright, too bright, and, oh fuck, his stomach hurts.

He turns his head and sees Jack sitting there at the side of the bed. What? Jack? Why is he here?

He turns his head to the other side and sees two guys he vaguely recognizes- one with a shaved head and one who looks like he works out a lot. Alex thinks he's met them before, but he's not completely sure.

"Alex? Alex, hey," he hears Jack's voice then, so he turns his head back towards the younger boy.

The look on Jack's face is one of extreme concern, worry, and... and maybe that's a little bit of fear. It makes Alex's stomach turn a somersault, and he feels guilty, so guilty, for making Jack look- and obviously feel- that way.

"Hey," he whispers, not sure of his voice quite yet. "What happened?"

Jack sighs, and looks away. "You had alcohol poisoning. They said... they said your blood alcohol content was like. Point 31."

"Is that bad?"

Jack lets a quiet whimper escape his throat before he nods and goes, "Yeah... that's really fucking bad, Alex. That's... you could have died. You probably SHOULD have died."


Alex shuts his eyes then, because the only thing he wants to do is cry. He has no idea how this happened, what happened, how he let it happen. How he let himself get to the point where he could have- SHOULD have- died. He didn't mean to, not really. He just... he just wanted to forget. To numb everything out completely. But not to the point of no return. He never wanted it to get that far.

He wonders what happened while he was drunk that made him take it so far.

"Jack?" he mumbles.


"Do you know what happened?"

Jack sighs. "No. You just... went to the bathroom and then you came back, and you started drinking like crazy."

This doesn't sound right. Alex knows himself, and he knows that he would never just randomly start drinking like crazy, for no reason at all. Something HAD to have happened. Either Jack honestly doesn't know, or Jack is hiding it from him.

"Jack, please. Just tell me."

"Alex, no. You'll just get upset and you don't need that right now."

"Does it have to do with Matt?"

Jack stays silent, and that's all the answer Alex needs. Of course it has to do with Matt. Everything now has to do with Matt.

Alex bites his lip hard, not really knowing what to say. He feels so guilty for doing this to Jack. Jack's fucking 18 years old. He shouldn't have to deal with an alcoholic twenty-one year old near-stranger. He shouldn't have to deal with Alex at all. So why does he?

author: crashqueen109, pairing: alex gaskarth/matt flyzik, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: chemical moment

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