MOD POST: The Stupid Layout.

Apr 12, 2011 17:48

ETA: Layout is fixed, carry on.

So we're stuck with this stupid grey layout because Livejournal is THE WORST THING EVER and killed the other one. Yeah. Enjoy. Or not.

And if anyone notices weird things going on with THIS layout, let me know so I can rip my hair out some more while I try to figure out WHY the widths on the other one went all stupid. It looks fine on my test journal! I don't understand! Actually, you know what, if anyone notices LJ doing anything wonky... make a note of it because they have been having some major issues lately so maybe I'm freaking out over nothing.

Anyway. Layout. Sorry it sucks and is boring. Also: Please read the sidebar links. Please. I'm begging you. I'm on my metaphorical hands and knees right now. Please. 

!mod post

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