Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets

Apr 10, 2011 04:53

Title: Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets [14/20]
Author: 23a_j10 
P.O.V: Third
Pairing: Jack and Alex
Rating: NC-17 (Violence/Sexual-ish-ness: Overall)Summary: Jack is the new student teacher at Alex's highschool.
Disclaimer: I don't know or claim to know the characters in this fictional story
Author notes: See, I updated quickly! I'm not so terrible after all :D


Rian is always late. But he couldn’t have picked a worse day to be late. It was thirty six minutes past eleven when he knocked on Jack’s apartment door.

“Jack! Wake up dude!” He called, banging on his knuckles against the wood. There was a noise from inside, it sounded like someone moving around unstably.

“Did you get drunk with that kid last night? Jack, really you’re a terrible person! Alex, open up its Jack’s friend Rian!” He tries again and hears moving inside. Sighing he opens the door himself with Jack’s spare key and halts as soon as his eyes can see inside.

The first thing that hits him is the smell, the hanging scent of blood is thick in the air. The second is the sight of the blood, dried and cracking all over his best friend’s chest, leaked over his piano. Before Rian can move he sees two unfamiliar teenagers, one with wild curls holding the other to his chest whose arm was wrapped in a blood soaked material. Without another thought Rian slams the door shut and runs to Jack’s side, his mouth his limp with a gag tied around his head, as well as a blindfold wrapped around his eyes. Rian honestly thought he was dead until he strains against the instrument under him.

“Jack, its okay it’s Rian” Rian speaks slowly and unsurely, beginning to remove off his friends bounds one by one.

“A-lex?” Jack’s voice cracks as he stumbles to his feet, Rian catching him before he can fall to his knees.

“What the hell is going Jack?” Rian’s tone is serious, concerned.

“Zack... Zack why didn’t you call anyone? Why... Why didn’t you untie me...?” Jack ‘s body gives underneath him as sobs tear through his chest.

“I’m calling 911” Rian states but Zack snaps at him,

“Don’t call anyone”

“And who the fuck are you?” Rian spits angrily at the curly haired blonde.

“Zack, and this is Alex and he’s really sick I can barely feel his heart beating” Zack’s voice is low and Rian kneels next to Jack and takes Alex’s free arm from his body, holding two fingers to his wrist.

“Yeah, his pulse is really weak, we need to get him to hospital” Rian says to both of the conscious boys at his sides.

“No, they’ll take him away from me” Zack cradles Alex closer to his body protectively.

“Zack, he’ll die if he doesn’t go. Please don’t take him away from me” Jack pleads with Zack

“Jack, if you let them take him they won’t let him go again, they won’t. He’ll be okay, just let me look after him.” Zack holds Alex even tighter.

“Ri... I don’t know what to do” Jack falls against his best friend who puts his arm around him.

“Okay, no police, no medics but you have to let me clean his arm up, okay?” Rian looks at Zack,



Alex groaned out in discomfort when his eyes flickered open.

“Alex? Jack, Rian I think he’s awake!” Zack calls out leaning over his injured best friend.

“Okay Zack, move over a little bit please” Rian takes Zack’s place next to Alex whose lying in Jack’s bed.

“Alex, I’m Rian, Jack’s friend. You’re safe and Jack here, and Zack is.” Rian studies Alex’s face, his eyes struggling to stay open.

“Where am I?” Alex asks quietly, voice broken

“You’re at Jack’s apartment, you need to take his pills Alex they’ll take some of the pain away” Rian nods at Zack in notion to encourage his friend.

“C’mon Lexy sit up for me, your arm must be hurting you” Zack helped Alex to a sitting position.

“Where’s Jack?” Alex looks up at both boys who in turn look at each other,

“He’s here” Rian assures him

“Yeah, just take the painkillers Alex and go back to sleep” Zack stokes Alex’ hair soothingly as Rian hands the youngest a glass of water and two pills. Alex obeys before Zack kisses his forehead and eases him back down into Jack’s sheets. Zack sighs as he watches his best friend fall into slumber.

Jack stands motionless in the shower, water violating every inch of his sore body. Angry marks were drawn out on his pale skin where the rope had rubbed his wrists and ankles raw. A small indent of a line was barely noticeable on his thigh, he shakes slightly under the rush of droplets. Slowly he starts to wash himself clean of Alex’s blood, the red’s mixing over his lower body the smell re-ignites and Jack collapses to the ground the contents of his stomach choking past his cries.

“What the hell happened last night?” Rian asks Zack, eyes directly piercing the younger’s,

“I-Alex... He loves Jack” Zack explains hopelessly

“Okay... You’re obviously as messed up as your friend here. Answer every question I ask or I’m calling 911, understand?”
Zack nods

“Why was Jack naked and tied to the hood of his piano?” Rian feels ridiculous asking and Zack sighs,

“Because Alex was proving how much he loves him”

“So, you were going to kill my best friend because yours loves him?”

“No, I wasn’t going to kill him”

“So what were you going to do?!”

“Well, Alex was going to...”

“Do you think it’s okay on any level under any circumstances to kill anyone?!” Rian can’t believe his ears.


“Then why were you helping this psychomaniac murder my fucking best friend?!”

“Because if I didn’t he’d have killed me” Zack breathes the words barely over a whisper glancing down at his sleeping best friend.

“What?” Rian blinks in disbelief.

“Alex is my best friend, he doesn’t have anyone apart from me and, well I guess he has Jack now too. But it’s always been the two of us, it’s harder to convict someone of murder if they always have an alibi. He’ll kill me if I don’t stay with me and he won’t make it fast he’ll torture me and make sure I’ve felt hell before my last breath is squeezed from my lungs.

He’s my best friend and I’d do anything for him. I protect him every day of my life, I take beatings for him and I take abuse for him because I love him. He’s like a brother to me and he needs me. He might be adorable and cute in all the right ways but he’s so vicious and masochistic in all the wrong ways. He killed his parents, he killed his brother, he killed our teacher and he’s going kill to Jack, he’s going to kill me and he’s going to kill you.”

chaptered: creativity runs deep like sec, rating: nc-17, author: 23a_j10

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