Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets

Jul 04, 2008 18:28

Title: Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets [13/20]
Author:  23a_j10 
P.O.V: Third
Pairing: Jack and Alex
Rating: NC-17 (Violence/Sexual-ish-ness: Overall)
Summary: Jack is the new student teacher at Alex's highschool.
Disclaimer: I don't know or claim to know the characters in this fictional story
Author notes: Sorry it's been a while kids :( I've been stressing over my schoolwork but here it is. This was going to be the last chapter but I changed my mind while writing it so look forward to some more! Thank you for all the comments <3


Jack wasn’t that superstitious but he did take extra care when Friday the thirteenth rolled around. He was enjoying his life for the first time since he was a careless teenager, even though in reality that time wasn’t so long ago, Jack felt like happiness had avoided him for too long. Although he had to admit, it was worth the wait. In fact, Alex was worth everything.

“You ready Zander?” Jack called up the stairs, they we both going to be late for school soon.

“My hair’s still wet” Alex yelled in response sounding more than a little unhappy about it, Jack just laughed and called back,

“Well open the window in the car and stick your head out the window on the way we haven’t got time for your beauty regime this morning princess!”

“Stop it, your hair looks fine” Jack tutts at Alex in the car as the younger boy keeps pulling at his hair.

“I don’t want it to look fine” He growls in annoyance

“You look beautiful Alex, like every other day of your life” Jack smiles at him reassuringly,

“Thanks...” A blush creeps over his angled cheeks as he returns the gesture.

“Remember not to open any umbrellas or step on cracks” Jack warned Alex, his tone dead serious as Alex raised an eyebrow,

“Friday the 13th, really?” He asked

“Yes! Something bad always happens to me on Friday the 13th okay, this isn’t going to be an exception” Jack shakes his head at the memories

“Well, I’ll make this your exception” Alex promises before they part ways outside the school grounds.

“You keeping away from ladders then?” Rian mocked Jack over the phone later that day when the teacher had taken his lunch in a coffee shop nearby.

“Yes! And so should you” Jack replied simply smiling.

“Seriously, you’re so paranoid Barakat”

“I’m not! Only on Friday’s with the date is the 13th”

“You’re uncoordinated every day you just freak out so much on Friday the 13th you hurt yourself more than usual!”

“Perhaps... I’m still not going out anywhere tonight, I’m even staying away from the kitchen, maybe even the piano. I’m going to bed and sleeping until it’s safely the 14th.”

“You know you’re gonna get hungry and go to the kitchen as soon as you get home”

“Yeah, but I’ll stay away from knifes!” Jack insisted, as he heard his best friend chuckle

“So is that kid still staying with you?” Rian asks casually, interested, not accusing but Jack still tenses,

“Yeah, he needs looking after, you know?”

“How old is he?”

“Eighteen Rian I’ve told you that before”

“So, like... What you’re doing isn’t illegal?”

“Well, no... I think it still is because you know, I’m his teacher. I’m not sure. But we’re not sleeping together or anything so it’s not like that!” Jack insists, and it’s true. He hasn’t slept with Alex, yet.

“But you want to, don’t you?” Rian teased

“Shut up! You haven’t seen him...” Jack grins widely, “He’s seriously just perfection”

“Ew, dude you sound like you’re in love with him!”

“Rian! I’ve known him a like a month or something...”


“Yeah, he is like... Yeah”

“Shit, I gotta go I’m kinda in work right now, call you later”

“Yeah, still coming over tomorrow?”

“11AM sharp...ish. Be safe with lover boy” Rian practically giggled and hung up the phone leaving Jack smiling into his coffee.


“Play me something!” Alex wined loudly wrapped up in Jack’s arms.

“Baby! I just want to cuddle here with you away from heavy objects and sharp things, please” Jack nuzzles into the younger’s neck, kissing a few times making him giggle.

“I’m bored! Entertain me mister” Alex insists noisily and Jack groans,

“What do you want from me kid!”

Then Alex makes his intentions very clear by throwing his body on top of Jack’s knees either side of the older boy’s hips. Jack smirks and tangles their fingers into knots, pulling Alex down on top of him, their noses close together.

“You’re only here for the perks aren’t you” Jack teases

“Yes, I’m just using you for your body, okay?” Alex grins back, nipping at his teacher’s bottom lip

“That’s fine because I’m only keeping you here because you’re hot” The taller of the two starts to break their conversation apart with soft and slow kisses.

“Liar, you think I’m cute”

“True, I guess you’re more than just a pretty face. You’re sweet. You’re kind. You’re fun. You’re romantic. You’re talented. You’re fucking adorable.” Jack compliments his student between hasty kisses, who giggles with embarrassment.

“Shut up and kiss me” And with that Jack near suffocates the smaller boy in the heat of lust.


“I would done it myself but you’re bigger than me” Alex explained simply

“You’re welcome” Zack grins at his best friend

“I’m sorry that this couldn’t be just you and me Jack, no offence Zack” Alex smiles in return

“None taken, what you two have is special and I’m not touching him. As agreed” Zack reassures his younger friend who’s trailing a fingers across Jack’s bare chest. Jack tries to pull away but his restraints hold him tight.

“Please don’t struggle Jack, I love you” Alex pouts at his teacher’s movements. Jack lays still and makes sounds against the gag in his mouth. “I can’t, no one can hear you shouting” Alex looked apologetic as Jack begged with his eyes.

“Alex maybe you should, you can trust him can’t you?” Zack speaks up

“I trust him but...” Jack makes another sound in response, “Okay” Alex gives in and unties the gag binding Jack’s words.
“Alex, baby I trust you too” Jack reassures his captor

“How much?” Alex asks impatient

“Alex, Zander I trust you with my life. I love you too” Jack pleads quietly, his muscles aching in discomfort.

“Zack! He loves me too!” Alex squeals bouncing on the spot, leaning over to kiss Jack who reluctantly returns it.

“Alex, please untie me? I’ll play you something, piano, guitar, anything you like. We can write something new together-“

“I wanna hear something else, actually” Alex purrs and holds a hand out to Zack who places a silver object in it. Alex idly turns the knife over in his hands before pressing it gently into Jack’s upper thigh.

“Ah-Alex please don’t, you’ll hurt me” Jack begs trying to keep still so he doesn’t anger the eighteen year old with a blade.

“But what else says I love you like your blood?” Alex pouts and presses the silver blade harder, making the skin bow in fear, crease with submission.

“Alex, stop! I wouldn’t want your blood to prove you love me!” Jack strains out the words of his dry throat and Alex lifts the blade from his thigh.

“But Jack,” The youngest says, “You can have all the blood you want from me” Alex holds his arm out over Jack’s chest and runs the knife along his own arm, a gasp muttered inwardly, colours mixing over the teacher’s skin.

“Alex! No! Stop it! Please don’t yourself you’re too precious to me! Zack, please...” Jack shouts out, writhing against his bounds and Alex’s blood sickeningly pools warmly over his torso.

“Alex, that’s too deep...” Zack warns, concerned as Alex starts to sway on his feet, the crimson colour covers Jack’s body as Alex falls limply to the ground.

“ALEX! No, you can’t... Zack! Help him, untie me!” Jack jerks his body away from the cool surface beneath him, screaming at Zack to do something.

“Alex?” Zack asks wearily at the bleeding boy on the floor.

“Zack! Fucking untie me and call a fucking ambulance!” Jack bellows out to the teenager, back arching widely against the black grand piano.

chaptered: creativity runs deep like sec, rating: nc-17, author: 23a_j10

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