Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets

Jul 10, 2008 23:53

Title: Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets [11/20]
Author: 23a_j10 
Pairing: Jack and Alex, sorta, maybe, eventually.
Rating: NC-17 (Violence/Sexual-ish-ness: Overall)
Summary: Jack is the new student teacher at Alex's highschool.
Disclaimer: I don't know or claim to know the characters in this fictional story
Author notes: All your speculation makes me smile! This is from Alex's POV, feedback on his character would be really appreciated more than ever, please :3


I really hope he trusts me enough for this... I mean... I’ve done everything right, and said everything right... Right? I hope so. Okay... I need to ask him now, Zack is waiting and it looks cold out. Okay...

“Jack?” My voice sounds okay, more confident than I feel, which is good, yes... Okay I can do this.

“Yeah?” He looks over at me, lips in a calm grin, he has to trust me, right?

“Can we go out somewhere?” I make my eyes really, really big, as big as I can.

“Sure, where do you want to go?” He stands up from that really shiny black instrument he spends so much time behind and walks over to me. He takes my hands in his and I can’t contain a small smile at this because it’s going to work, I know it is.

“Actually, it’s a surprise but seeing as I never learnt how to drive, you have to, okay?” This is going really, really, really well! I’m bouncing on my toes a bit from anticipation and excitement, he’ll never expect it, not this, not from me, I hope.

“Okay... Let’s go then!” He’s beaming and leading me to the front door, and I can’t wait to surprise him, I can’t wait to see his face.

So we’re in Jack’s car, and I’m telling to go this way and that.

“You sure you know where we’re going?” I hope he’s not getting too suspicious...

“Trust me!” I grin and bear my teeth, hoping to come off cute or something. I think it works because he’s grinning to himself now as he takes a left.

“Here, here, here” I unbuckle my seatbelt ready to bounce from the car.

“What? There’s nothing here Zander?” His face is confused, I try to reassure him because he can’t be scared now, no, he can’t be because I’m not scary, nothing to be scared of. I grab his hand and pull him towards me a bit, should I kiss him? I know, I know it’s really silly because he’s kissed me, he’s done more than kiss me, but I kissed him first, I think that means I win, you know, generally. Oh, yeah... So I lean forward and kiss his lips, they smile into mine and return it. I like his smile, a smile is so, so full of life and life, well there’s nothing better, right?

“Lets go!” I urge him, I can’t wait any longer and I bet Zack is getting impatient too, he’s such a good friend. Really, really, he is he’s strong and nice and listens to me and looks after me and he loves him, I love him too, but not like I love Jack, no. I love Jack like I love no one else.

“You aren’t going to tell me where we are, are you?” It’s okay, he’s asking but he’s wearing a smile so everything is okay... For now.

“Nope!” I drop his hand so he can get out of his car, but I’m soon around his side, snatching it again and leading him through the darkness. It’s pretty cold, it’s really quiet too, silence is kinda of nice though, it’s, well... It’s fun because noises make more noise when they’re heard against nothing. You can kinda see the lights now, it’s pooling over the blackness and my heart’s getting faster and I’m starting to yank on his arm. I want to yell at him to hurry up but I don’t because no one likes shouting do they? And that’s not a noise a want to break this quiet with, no... You can see it now, but it probably doesn’t make sense to anyone but me, and Zack. I turn and stop for a moment, pressing a finger to his lips to make him keep the silence, he smiles so I take it as a yes, I want to keep the quiet, shhh.

I open the door to the lone house and drag Jack inside, it’s warmer than outside but not by much, it’s dark too. I know where everything is, and I know Zack is here somewhere, I hum a noise so my best friend knows I’m ready and the lights snap on as my eyes snap to watch Jack’s.

Jack is standing there, he’s not smiling but why would he? Not right here, right now, this moment it would have been weird if he’d smiled, no. It wouldn’t have been if he’d smiled right now. I don’t let much time pass as he takes in the scene, I bet he didn’t expect this at all, I bet not, I hope not. He can’t have because I didn’t let any detail slip and I lied, kinda... Well didn’t tell the truth but only so he didn’t worry. I don’t want him to worry because he’s so pretty when he smiles, his life is so beautiful it’s almost unfair to be so beautiful.

I wonder in these few moments what he’s thinking, he’s surprised, why wouldn’t he be? But is scared? Does he want to run from me now? He didn’t run when I told him I loved him, and I do love him, I do. Now I’m just proving how deep my love runs in my veins because my mind can’t think of anything that could prove it more than this, more than now, well maybe one thing, but right now...

“I love you Jack.”

chaptered: creativity runs deep like sec, author: 23a_j10, rating: pg-13

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