Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets

Jul 07, 2008 02:12

Title: Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets [7/20]
Author: 23a_j10 
Pairing: Jack and Alex, sorta, maybe, eventually.
Rating: PG/13 (Violence)
Summary: Jack is the new student teacher at Alex's highschool.
Disclaimer: I don't know or claim to know the characters in this fictional story
P.O.V.: Third
Author notes: Tell me what you think :)


 “How is it looking?” Jack asked, watching Alex’s hand fly over the pad in his lap.

“Shut up” Alex managed to mumble through his concentration, he wanted to get every single shade and angle of Jack’s face perfect. Jack smiled inwardly, the look of pure frustration on the boy’s face was amusing, but it didn’t really matter to Jack, how imperfect the picture was, he would love it if it was a simple stick man. Minutes passed and Jack stole many glances of Alex’s face, his hair, his body. The older man watched the flicks of his hand, the bites of his bottom lip, the groans of annoyance and sighs of impatience.

Jack was happy, he was honestly truly happy just to sit and stare, looking at Alex, being with Alex. But more than happy, Jack was scared. Really scared. He was afraid of the way he felt when Alex was near him, it was dangerous, way too dangerous. Jack needed this job, needed it, he had nothing else. He’d given up on being a musician a while ago when he decided teaching would be his future. So teaching was all he had, he couldn’t give it up but he had nowhere else to turn. What was he doing? Ruining his future for one kid? One stupid kid who had stupid gorgeous eyes and stupid soft hair and a stupid damn fucking adorable smile... Jack sighed. He couldn’t do this, he had his future to think about.


“Jack! Just shh!” Alex growled, his face scrunched up.

“Alex can you stop that a minute?” Jack sighed heavily.

“Fine!” Alex shouted and actually threw the pad of over an hour of work across the room, standing up and pulling his hair.

Jack jumped to his feet and watched Alex tugging at his beautiful locks.

“Stop that...” Jack tried to pull Alex’s hands away from his head but the younger boy lashed out hitting Jack in the gut causing him to trip to the ground. A few seconds didn’t have time to pass before Jack realized Alex had left. Panicking Jack scrambled to his feet fumbling for his phone, calling Alex, but it was in vain.

“Fuck” Jack cussed loudly and snatched his coat from the sofa and strode outside. The street was empty. He was a decision away from running anywhere, just to maybe, possibly see Alex, but he just slumped against his front door. What was he doing? He needed to get back to teaching, forget about Alex, let Zack get on with looking after him, just... Forget about Alex... Jack groaned aloud.

“I’m sorry Sir, will you take me home?” Alex appeared at his side from nowhere.

“Of course, let’s get your stuff” Jack kept a neutral expression and was soon sitting in his car, starting the engine.

“Right or left?” Jack had to ask, he had no idea where Alex lived.

“Uuhm, l-left” Alex stammered, trying to hold back tears. He didn’t mean to get angry, he didn’t mean to lash out, he defiantly didn’t mean to hurt Jack. No, he defiantly didn’t mean that. He didn’t dare look up and over to Jack’s face, those eyes brimming with disappointment. Then he couldn’t stop it, the tears, the sobs, the pathetic gasps for air as he cried so hard, shaking all over. Jack had stopped the car on the side of the road, Alex had his face hid in hands.

“Zander what’s the matter?” Jack wanted to stroke Alex’s hair but he wasn’t sure if the younger boy wanted the contact or not. Alex just kept trembling, it was scaring Jack so much.

“Please Alex, stop...”

“Mmhsorry, s-so sorry” The words came jittering and unsteady.

“Can I take home with me please?” Jack gives in to the beautiful brunette wreck in his passenger seat. The teacher desperately hopes his Alex will stay the night, his Alex? Jack shakes his head at his own thinking. Alex nods and mutters incoherently, so Jack turns the car around, heading home,

“Hello there, the angel from my nightmare, the shadow in background of the morgue. The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley, we can live just Jack and Alex if we want. Where you can always find me, and we'll have Halloween on Christmas and in the night we'll wish this never ends. We'll wish this never end.

Where are you and I'm so sorry, I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight, I need somebody and always
this sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting every time. And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders catching things and eating their insides. Like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason. Will you come home and stop this pain tonight stop this pain tonight.

Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head,
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head,
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head,
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head,
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head,
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head.

I miss you miss you,
I miss you miss you,
I miss you miss you,
I miss you miss you,
I miss you miss you.” Jack swallowed hard, he loathed his voice. Alex’s sobs had ceased and his breathing was a little fast but not dangerously so.

“Thank you Jack” Alex was amazed, he couldn’t think of anything to say to express his appreciation and adoration. So instead of saying anything Alex hoisted himself up in the passenger seat and leaning over to the driver’s, placing his lips on the face of Jack’s face. The kiss lasted a few seconds and Alex hovered for a moment after the contact, wanting to push further. But he sat back down and bit his lip trying not to smile too hard.

chaptered: creativity runs deep like sec, author: 23a_j10, rating: pg-13

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