Chemical Moment (12/?)

Mar 21, 2011 15:34

 Title: Chemical Moment
Author: crashqueen109 
Pairing: A bit of Flykarth but mostly Jalex.
Rating: NC17 overall but some chapters will be pretty tame.
Summary: Alex's bad habits have got the best of him, but the last thing he expected was for them to bring him someone new.
Chapter summary: "But now that he was healthy again, Alex was ready to drink."
Disclaimer: I don't own them. Boo.
A/N: I feel like this story has gone to shit. I'm glad you guys seem to like it though. And I'm seeing ATL in a week. adoguhadlhakdljalkdjakjdfaka

My Tumblr.


A week had gone by, and Alex was over his sickness.

Jack was quite lovely to him the entire time. He would come over and take care of Alex, bring him medicine and food and anything he needed, really. And they held hands a lot. The hand holding was probably the best part of the entire thing. It made Alex feel a little less lonely. It let him forget that he was single for once.

But now that he was healthy again, Alex was ready to drink.

Jack had invited Alex over to a party at his house. It would be just a few people, some friends Jack had made here and there, all at Jack's house just drinking and having fun. Nothing too crazy.

But when Alex knocked on Jack's door that night, he had the strangest buzzing sensation in his head, butterflies in his stomach. He was excited.

"Come in," Jack said the second he opened the door. A huge grin was on his face, and it made Alex's butterflies even more excited.

"Where're the drinks set up?" the older boy asked, standing there awkwardly.

"Oh, right over here." Jack took Alex's hand and led him over to the kitchen. There was a seemingly unlimited supply of alcohol set up there, and it made Alex literally lick his lips in excitement.

Two beers down, Alex was starting to feel a bit of a buzz. That was when Jack decided to introduce him to everyone.

"This is Zack, and that's Rian," he said, pointing at the respective boys. Both of them waved, eyeing Alex up and down in a way that made the purple-haired boy uncomfortable. It was like... it was like they were checking him out. And he didn't like that. So he grabbed another beer.

The three beers combined with the nerves flitting through his gut were what made Alex so on edge. And by on edge, it meant that he was clinging to Jack every second. Jack didn't seem to mind, just kept his arm looped around Alex's waist for support.

But Alex wanted more than that.

"Can we... c'n we dance?" Alex yelled into Jack's ear, trying to be heard over the music that was, in reality, not all that loud.

Jack turned his gaze to the older boy, searching his eyes for a moment. Jack really did have beautiful eyes; Alex wondered why he'd never noticed before.

"Sure, we can dance, I guess." He removed his arm from Alex's waist then and replaced his hands on the shorter one's hips.

Alex's idea of dancing was shit. He figured out as soon as they started that what he /really/ wanted was to make out. He leaned forward and connected their lips, and for a few moments, it was great, really. It was wet and sloppy and lovely and great, until Jack pulled away
completely, mumbling something about there being people around.

So Alex drank another beer.

Somewhere between the fourth and fifth beer and realizing that his tolerance was higher than he remembered it being, Alex got it in his head to call Matt. He was having a good time, having fun for the first time he could remember since the split. And for whatever reason, he wanted to let Matt know. Maybe it was that he wanted Matt to realize he COULD be happy without him. Maybe it was that selfish. He didn't want Matt to think he'd just be locked up in his own house all day, drinking himself into oblivion, until the end of time. He felt happy, more or less, and he wanted Matt to know that.

The phone rang once. The phone rang twice. The phone rang three times, and then Matt answered.


A huge grin spread across Alex's face. "Matty! Hiii!"

Silence, and then, "Alex?"

"Yes! Of course it's me, Matty! Who else would it beee?"

"Um, I dunno, but... why are you calling me?"

Alex giggled and hiccuped right into the phone. "I miss you, Matty. I miss you so so much. 'm at Jack's house and I'm... I'm pretty drunk. I miss you. Matty. I miss you so so so much..."

Matt sighed into the phone. "Alex, this is why we broke up. Your drinking. Why are you calling me like this?"

"I already said! I miss you! 'nd I'm drunk! It makes me miss you... so so so much... Mattyyy..."

"I'm hanging up now. You really shouldn't call me like this."

"No no no Matty, don't hang up!" Alex hiccuped again. "Don't go... I jus' wanna... I jus' wanted t' hear your voice... so pretty... so so so pretty..."

"I have to go, Alex."

"You don' hafta! You jus' wanna! I love you, Matty, please stay... so pretty, Matty, baby, please..."

Alex had no idea what was going on in his brain anymore. He'd called Matt originally just because it sounded fun. Hadn't thought of the consequences.

But now that they were on the phone, and Matt was threatening to hang up, Alex was realizing what a fucked up idea it had been to call Matt.
They shouldn't be having any contact at all, and here Alex was, probably making it hurt for Matt that much more. But he didn't want him to hang up. He just wanted his ex to talk everything better like he'd done so many times before. Just talk to him until he fell asleep, so that when he woke up he'd feel like someone had been there with him.

But it was all a very, very bad idea.

"I'm hanging up, Alex. You're wasted. Why am I even surprised. I'm hanging up."

Alex didn't think he was yelling, though he most definitely was, causing everyone else in the room to stare at him, Jack rushing over to try 
prying the phone away. "Matty! Don' go! I need you, I love you, baby, please, I want you, stay, talk to me, you're so great, so so great, Matty!"

Tears started rolling down Alex's cheeks as he babbled away to a dead line. All the things he should have said when Matt was leaving in the first place. All the words he should have said to get Matt to stay.

He hiccuped every few words, still babbling, still holding the phone to his ear. He couldn't hear the dial tone over his own voice.

"Alex..." Jack murmured, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist and trying to pry the phone away.

"No!" Alex screamed, jerking away. "Don't touch me! H-he's gone, why is he gone! I di'n't mean to!"

"Alex... please..."

"No!" He was making his way back over to the table of drinks, knocking over everything in his path. The lamp. The trashcan. The cooler.

"Alex! You can't do this! You're already drunk enough!" Jack was trying to pry the bottle of vodka from the older boy's hands, but instead 
received a quick kick to the shin.

"I need t' do this, Jack, it hurts an' I need it to not to hurt!"

"You're gonna get /sick/!"

"I don't /care/!"

"I'm not about to call a fucking ambulance for you! This isn't okay!"

"It's fine! It's fuckin' fine, Jack! 'm an adult, I c-can drink this an' I'll be fine!"

Half the bottle was gone before Jack made it back to his feet. The other half was gone by the time Jack limped over to Alex.

Alex dropped the bottle to the floor, not reacting when the glass shattered. He just stared at Jack, who stared right back, and both of them were scared about what would happen next.

author: crashqueen109, pairing: alex gaskarth/matt flyzik, chaptered: chemical moment

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