Keeping This Up Could Be Dangerous (Seventeen)

Mar 17, 2011 17:47

Title: Keeping This Up Could Be Dangerous
Author: Katie
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: Best friends Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat tell each other everything. At least, Alex thought they told each other everything. Jack has a secret, well three actually; 1. Jack is gay. 2. He is in love with his best friend. 3. He cuts.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen. - Masterpost. I fail at links. So that's the best I can do.

I was walking through the hallways, looking for Jack. It was almost time for sound check, and we needed him for obvious reasons.

I was put on duty to find him, even though I had barely seen him all day. Honestly, yes, I was avoiding him. But for perfectly good reason. I mean, come on, I had woken up, all a'fluster, screaming his name and coming in my undies. You'd be embarrassed, too. And it's not like I could just play it off as a bad dream. No, he was already awake, staring at me, and he could feel for himself my wet dream seeping through my boxers.

I stopped, hearing a loud sound coming from one of the doors. It sounded like a moan, and I listened closer, hearing it again. Someone was moaning loudly, and my face went white as I realized it was Jack's voice. My heart dropped, and I wondered he could be having sex with. Probably one of the random groupies. I tried ignoring the jealousy disgusted feeling that ran through me as I went towards the door.

I opened it, and the strong smell of weed hit my nostrils hard. I coughed, seeing Jack sitting in the corner of the room. His pants were off, underwear hanging around his ankle with his legs spread open wide. His right wrist was bent at an awkward angle as he pumped it in and out of himself, while his left hand was splayed over his cock, rubbing it lightly.

“Mmm, William,” he moaned, and my eyebrows knitted together. “Fuck me, Matt!”

I was so confused. Jack wasn't gay. But then what was he doing sitting here with his fingers up his ass, moaning out every guy's names he could think of? But then I remembered the smell of the room, and looked beside him to see a little baggie on the floor, seeing a bowl next to it. I shrugged that part off. We had all smoked pot together before, no big deal. I just wish he would have came and found me so we could have shared. I looked back at Jack, who was still going to town on himself, and hadn't even realized I was there.

“Jack,” I said, talking a step forward into the room. I got a moan in response, but his eyes were still shut. I walked closer, standing in front of him. “Jack!”

He groaned low, whining as he looked up at me. “Alex,” he moaned, in a voice that made my jeans start to feel tighter. He gasped, looking at me as he began to move his hand faster. I watched his eyes travel down my body, then back up as he rocked his hips back against his own hand. “Oh, Alex!”

“What is wrong with you?” I asked, seeing his eyes glazed over. His response was a whining moan. I bent over, picking up the baggie and seeing not only weed in it, but a couple of pills. My eyes went wide as I looked at them, seeing the E. “Why the fuck did you take this?! Jack!”

I felt his hand on my leg, and I jumped away. “Alex, I love you.”

“Jack, stop it,” I told him. “I can't believe you did this! What am I going to tell Matt? How are you gonna play a show?”

“Alex, you have the sexiest voice ever,” he told me, biting his lip and whining again.

“Stop that! And stop fucking touching yourself like that!” I yelled at him.

“I can't,” he said. “You're just so sexy. Fuck!”

I watched his eyes slip shut, and his mouth go slack. He threw his head back, practically screaming as orgasm washed over him. He pumped himself through it, cum squirting onto his chest, staining his t-shirt.

“Seriously?” I asked, looking at him as he lay spent at my feet. He mumbled out something in reply, but I ignored it. “Come on, we have to go to sound check.”

I reached my hands out to him, and he took them, letting me pull him up. He stood inches away from me, with no pants on, and I held my breath as I looked in his eyes. I saw something, but I shook my head, guessing it was just the drugs.

“Put your pants back on,” I told him, and he nodded, leaning forward and hooking his underwear back around his other leg and pulling them up to his waist. He pulled his shirt off, throwing it to the ground as I handed him his pants. “Do you know where your belt is?” I asked, watching him to try to put the jeans on. I steadied him when he almost fell over, and he looked up with a grin.

“Nope,” he said, popping the p.

“Jack,” I said slowly.

“I forgot to wear it, I think,” he said, shrugging. I buttoned his pants and zipped them up, and he just stared down at my hands. His own hands twisted their way up, roaming over my arms and down my hips and up to my chest. I ignored the feeling, quickly finishing up what I was doing and pulling away from him. He kept his hand on my wrist though, rubbing his thumb over my pulse.

“You're so weird when you're high,” I told him, bending over to grab his shirt. “Come on, you need a shirt from the van.”

He followed me, keeping a hold on my wrist. He continued to move his thumb over it, and I tried not to shiver at the slight touch.

We got to the van, and I got in, him following me. I grabbed his suitcase, opening it and holding a shirt out to him. He stared at it, acting like he didn't know what I wanted him to do with it.

“What? Have you lost all your motor skills, too?” I asked him. “Put on your shirt.”

“I don't know how,” he responded, grinning again and laughing. “Dress me.”

I rolled my eyes. “Lift up your arms.” He lifted them up, and I worked the material of it down his arms, helping him fit his head through the hole. He moved the shirt down his chest, and then grabbed my face in his hands. I was so surprised, I didn't have time to pull away from him when he kissed me.

My stomach exploded, heart beating erratically as he moved his lips against mine. I kissed him back, feeling his tongue moved against mine. His hands were soon in my hair, pulling on it lightly. He maneuvered us back so we were laying down, him on top. He moved his hands down from my hair, sliding them down the front of my chest. My hands moved the opposite direction, threading in his black and blonde hair. I dug my short nails lightly into his scalp, sighing into the kiss as his tongue massaged mine, and his hands slid up and down my sides. His hands pushed up my shirt, roaming over the soft skin, and I dropped one down, trailing it over his back and down to his ass. I squeezed it hard, making him buck forward.

I was lost in the kiss. All I could taste was Jack. All I could smell was Jack. All I could feel was Jack's hair between my fingers, and his jean-clad ass cupped in my right hand. I didn't want the kiss to ever end, but it did when I felt Jack tugging at my belt. I pulled away as he got it undone, quickly removing his hands from the front of my jeans.

“No, Jack,” I said, pushing his hands away. He ignored me, pushing his lips back to mine, and quickly going back to trying to undo the button on my jeans. I shook my head, pushing on his chest to get his mouth away from mine. “Jack, what the fuck! I said no!”

“Alex, I want you so bad,” he said, biting on my neck, a little too hard. I let out a whimper of pain, struggling with his hands that were on my jeans again. He got the button popped open, and then tried to start kissing me again.

“Jack, jesus! No! You're not listening to me!”

“Please?” he said, burying his face in my chest.

“Jack, you're on X! You only want this because of the drugs!” I told him, and he growled in his throat.

“Just fuck me, Alex,” he said, touching my happy trail.

“No,” I told him, trying to get away.

“I said, fuck me!” he demanded, grabbing my wrists and shoving them up against the side of the van. My eyes went wide as I looked up at him. I wriggled, trying to get my hands away from him, but he held tight.

“Jack, you're hurting me. Stop!” I told him, fear in my voice. I could feel my wrists bruising, but I continued to try to get them free. He moved them in between one hand, holding them in place as his other hand moved to unzip my zipper. “Stop!” I yelled. “Jack, please! Don't do this to me!” I moved my whole body, thrashing and trying to get away from him. He started pulling my jeans down with his one hand, and I bucked my legs up. I somehow got one arm loose, elbowing him in the chest and freeing myself from his grasp. I scrambled away, falling out of the van onto the pavement. My eyes blurred with sudden tears and I got up, running from Jack's calls for me to come back.


I stood on the other side of the room from Jack, biting my lip as I played my guitar. I could still feel myself shaking slightly, and when I looked at my wrists I could see the purplish bruises in the shape of fingers.

“Are you okay, Lex?” Rian asked me, and I nodded. “Okay. You just seem really quiet.”

“I'm fine,” I lied.

“Okay. Then what's wrong with Jack?” he questioned, looking at our guitarist who was now trying to molest Matt.

“He's pretty toasted,” I replied, and Rian just nodded.


“Jack, seriously, stop it!” Matt yelled at him.

“Nobody wants me!” Jack cried out, and everyone stared at him.

“Fuck no! Nobody wants your hands all over their dicks!” Matt told him. “Christ, Jack, I'm starting to think you're gay!”

“But I am gay!” Jack yelled back.

chaptered: keeping this up could be dang, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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