Matters At All [s/a]

Mar 06, 2011 13:51

Title: Matters At All
Author: bathedoursmiles
Rating: nc- 17
Pairing: Jack Barakat / Alex Gaskarth
Summary: It's Valentine's Day and Jack hasn't gotten Alex anything...yet.
Warning: Smut at some points.
Disclaimer: This never happend duh and I do not own these boys unfortunately.
A/N: So I've been meaning to post this since Valentine's Day but here it is! I think it's alright but hey comment if you enjoyed it :3

It was Valentine's Day and Alex couldn't be more excited. He woke up with his face buried in Jack's neck which stenched of his strong aftershave. Jack's arm was draped over Alex's hip and was breathing softly into Alex's messy hair. Alex inhaled Jack's scent before actually flickering his eyes open.

He yawned loudly into Jack's neck causing Jack to stir slightly. Jack lolled his head to the other side as he slowly began to turn so he could lie on his back. He rested him arm behind his head and Alex took the oppurtunity to prop himself upon his chest.

"Happy Valentine's Day" Alex whispered. Jack smiled lazily and moved his hands to Alex's hips and pulled him to lie on top of him.

"C'mere baby" Jack mumbled. Alex grinned and leant forward to bump their noses together before joining their lips. Alex's hands snaked to the back of Jack's neck as Jack slipped his tongue into Alex's mouth, brushing it against Alex's softly and their lips moved messily around each others.

It didn't take long for their makeout session to get heated and a little touchy. Alex's hand slipped away from Jack's neck and went down to Jack's boxers and then suddenly, there was a loud thud against the foot of the bunk, causing them both to jump slightly. Alex quickly tore his lips away from Jack's and look towards the velvet curtain.

"Just cause it's Valentine's Day doesn't mean you can suck each other's faces off and loud enough for us to hear, might I add!" Zack yelled. Alex buried his face into Jack's neck and laughed. Jack lifted a hand to smooth Alex's rough hair as he laughed slightly.

"Love you" Alex mumbled before pressign a kiss to Jack's neck.

"I love you too" He whispered before Alex pulled back and pressed a simple kiss to Jack's strange nose. He then crawled out of their bunk and almost bumped into Zack.

"Woah" Alex said as he stretched. Zack continued to walk forward and laugh at something. Alex then followed him to the front lounge where Matt was making himself a coffee.

"Put on some pants, Gaskarth" Matt told him. Alex smiled lazily and shook his head.

"Never" He mumbled now throwing himself on the small couch. Zack now mixed his protein shake as he turned to Alex with a smirk growing on his lips.

"So what are you doing today since you're all loved up?" Zack teased. Alex shrugged.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked, raising an eyebrow with a smirk. Zack's nose scrunched up as he shook his head.

"So what did you get Jack anyways?" He asked casually. And then on cue, Jack walked in, rubbing his flat stomach and yawning loudly. Alex grinned and when Jack saw him, he chuckled softly and walked over to Alex.

He placed his hands on either side of Alex's head, against the back-rest of the couch. Alex bit his lip playfully and tilted his head to the side before bringing his hands to the sides of Jack's neck and then pulling him close.

"Mmm" Alex hummed before joining their lips. They brushed slowly against each other as Zack groaned loudly.

"You guys need to get a room" Zack whined before leaving. Alex laughed into Jack's mouth before pulling away. Matt rolled his eyes and then faced them and leant against the counter.

"Is it okay to come back in?" Zack asked, walking in now.

Alex laughed and nodded and settled Jack down beside him so he could cuddle against him.

"Happy All Time Low day guys" Matt teased before leaving the lounge. Jack raised an eyebrow.

"All Time Low day?" Jack questioned.

"You come up with a better name!" Matt yelled from the bunk area.

"5 years bro" Zack told Jack. Jack nodded and pulled Alex closer and kissed the side of his head.

"Come on you guys!" Rian shouted before throwing himself onto Alex and Jack and resting his head in Alex's lap. They all laughed hysterically and screamed as Zack threw himself on Rian.

"I can't breathe!" Screamed Alex. Zack then rolled himself onto his feet and pulled Rian off the screaming couple. After they composed themselves, Alex turned to Rian.

"Did you call Cassadee?" He asked casually. Rian nodded.

"She loved the chocolates and said I'd get my present when we get back" He said slowly. Zack nudged him in the ribs and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh fuck off" Rian said bluntly, laughing slightly as he walked off the bus with Zack following.

Matt came from the bunk area with his phone against his ear. He was smiling largely.

"Kendra?" Alex mouthed as Matt turned to them for a second. He nodded and continued to walk off the bus. When the door slammed shut, Alex jumped to his feet and leaning f.rward so his face was right in front of Jack's.

"Can I give your your present?" Alex sang. Jack smiled and nodded. Before Alex left Jack joined their lips for a second.

Alex then ran off to the back lounge and grabbed a wrapped box from under one of the couches. He ran back and jumped onto the couch, landing on his knees right beside Jack. Jack laughed at Alex's childish grin. He then handed over the box.

"Okay I know it's cheesy and all but I didn't know what else to buy you" He explained and Jack's long fingers pulled off the lid and then picked up the shiny black pick on the velvet cushion. In silver was ingraved "All Time Low and "14.2.05'" and on the other side was "Alex and Jack" Jack now held it in his palm and smiled at it.

"I know it's cheesy but-" Alex began but Jack then cut him off with a kiss which left Alex grinning.

"I love it, you know I like cheesy stuff like this" Jack told him. He then clipped off his chain and slid the guitar pick onto it. When he closed it, Alex reached forward and twisted it between his fingers.

"Thank you, really I love it" Jack said quietly and then leaned forward to join their lips. Alex smiled as Jack began to hover over him now as he pushed him down on the couch.


"H-holy shit Jack I think I'm gonna-" Alex hissed.

Jack grinded his bare dick down hard against Alex's, making them both moan. Sweat was building heavily on both of their bare bodies as Jack hovered over Alex's naked body which was quivering slightly at the grinding of their dicks. His hair was plastered to his forehead and his mouth was slightly ajar, letting out quick short breaths as Jack grinded faster leaving him to breathe heavily also.

"I'm gonna Alex I'm gonna-" Jack managed to choke out as he made one last grind making them both groan each other's name almost at the same time, blowing off their loads on each other's chest.

Before Jack could collapse on Alex's body, he got his shirt from the floor and rubbed it over Alex's chest and then his, cleaning off their fluids. He then fell flat down on Alex.

Once his breathing had returned to somewhat normal, he looked up at Alex who was drawing mindless patterns on Jack's lower back.

"Shall we get dressed? Because we're completely naked and if anyone were to walk on the bus and see me lying underneath your naked completely, infact also naked, they wouldnt be too happy" Alex told Jack. Jack hummed and then raised an eyebrow.

"Well I like knowing you're underneath me naked" He mumbled between the kisses he pressed against Alex's collarbone. Alex giggled.

"Well that's an unpopular opinion on this bus now isn't it" Alex teased before pressing one last kiss to Jack's lips.


As they got dressed to move on out to the venue, Alex couldn't help but wonder when Jack was going to give him his present. Alex thought they'd give them to each other at the same time but Jack didn't seem to give Alex his.

"I'm going to the venue now okay, Danny wants to ask me something" Jack told Alex, pulling his back over one of his shoulders. Alex nodded as he buttoned his jeans.

Jack walked over to him and pressed a soft kiss to Alex's lips. He then smiled and wrapped his arms around Alex's toso before pressing their lips together again. Alex sighed in the kiss and wrapped his arms around Jack's neck as Alex's nudging tongue then entered Alex's mouth. It brushed against his softly and slowly a couple of times before he pulled back and pressed one final peck against Alex's lips and leaving theb bus, still without handing Alex any form of a material gift. Maybe he took it in his bag? Alex thought.

Evan and Grieco then came in holding cards in their hands along with differently wrapped gifts.

"Aw, did your girlfriends send stuff to the venue?" Alex asked quietly. They both nodded enthusiastically, settling them down on the counter beside Rian's card.

"So what did Jack get you?" Evan asked casually. Alex bit his lip and shrugged as he stufffed an extra shirt in his bag.

"Nothing" He answered. Evan and Grieco turned to each other with confused expressions.

"Nothing?" Grieco questioned. Alex nodded.

"Did you not get him something or?" He asked.

"No I got him something" Alex stated.

"Well maybe he's giving it to you later? I wouldn't put it past Jack, he loves surprises himself doesn't he?" Evan said positively. Grieco raised his eyebrows and nodded in agreement. Alex smiled slightly as he threw his bag over his shoulder.



Entering the old, crumbling venue, the three were stopped by the owner holding a card and a Mickey Mouse toy wearing white shorts with pink hearts. It's eyes were also hearts.

"Are any of you Mr J Matthew Flyzik?" A tall man with scruffy hair asked. Evan and Grieco walked away leaving Alex to deal with it on his own. He took the mickey and card for Flyzik and then tried to find the dressing room.

Once he found it, the faded door with a paper stuck to it that read "All Time Low's Dressing Room" slightly opened. He pushed it completely open to see Zack lifting some small weights, Rian druming on the cracking wooden table and Vinny drinking some beer.

"Sup bro! What's with the long face?" Vinnt shouted across the room, Alex shook his head.

"Have you guys seen Flyzik?" Alex asked. They all shook their heads.

"Holy shit bro, did Jack getthat for you? Looks like something Matt would get" Vinny said with a smile.

"No I'm looking for Matt to give this to him" Alex told him bitterly.

"What did Jack get you then?" Zack asked casually.

"Nothing" Alex muttered.

"Like nothing?" Rian asked. Alex nodded.

"Oh..." Vinny mumbled.

"I gotta find Matt" Alex announced then turning to the door.

"Maybe he'll give you something later!" Rian yelled before Alex slammed the door shut, causing it to echo through the empty hall.


He walked out on to the stage to see the two Matt's setting up the microphones.

"Flyzik" Alex called out, echoing throughout the whole room. Matt turned to him.

"Hit us with some lights Jeff" Colussy yelled. The stage was then fully lit.

"Kenda sent this to you" Alex said handing over the Mickey and card. Matt's face lit up as he took the gift and card.

"Can I ask you something?" Alex whispered. Matt nodded and then held up a hand.

"Colussy, could you put this is my bunk and get me my phone whilst I carry on setting up with Alex?" He asked politely. Colussy complied and then left the stage.

"What's up?" Matt asked casually. Alex bit his lip and looked around for any sign of Jack.

"Do you know if Jack has got me anything for today?" Alex asked quietly.

"Nope...why?" Matt replied. Alex sighed.

"Well because he hasn't given me anything yet and I know gifts aren't important but it just bothers me because you's Valentine's Day!" Alex exclaimed. Matt nodded in understandment.

"No, it's completely understandable. I think Kendra would be a little angry if I didn't get her anything either" Matt told him.

"And people are saying that maybe he'll give me it later but he's never done that on any occassion throughout the two years we've been dating!" Alex almost yelled.

"Never?" Matt questioned. Alex shook his head vigourously.

"Also he would have told you! He always asks you on advice on presents!" Alex exclaimed in frustration, now running a hand through his purple tinted hair.

"He would have" Matt admitted quietly.

"I mean I don't care about it but he always gives me one on Valentine's Day...I don't know maybe this means something" Alex said quietly, shaking his head slightly.

"Don't start being stupid Alex" Matt said before Alex walked off the stage.


As Alex got ready for the show, everyone stayed clear of his path as they knew he wasn't in a good mood, all except Jack as he had been hanging out with Danny all day.

He was finishing off his hair when Jack walked into the dressing room. Alex sighed as Jack came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his torso and hooked his head over Alex's shoulder.

"Ready for the show?" Jack mumbled into Alex's neck. Alex then put off the staighteners and put them down on the table. He then shuffled his hair about a bit.

"Yeah" Alex answered sourly, then unlocked Jack's arms from around him and walked to the other table to grab the hairspray to begin to quickly style his hair. Matt then came through the door.

"Come on guys, stage time" He called, then walked away leaving the door open. Alex settled the hairspray on the table and walked out, without even kissing Jack before they go on stage as usual.


The show was going great and slightly cheered up Alex. The crowd was intense and the room was buzzing like crazy. Alex had downed three cups of whatever Danny was drinking that night before he got on stage and that kept him going.

"I can feel the love tonight!" Alex yelled into his microphone. As Alex switched out guitars he walked around with the microphone in his hand.

"You guys got valentine's?" Alex asked. The crowd screamed.

"You guys got gifts and cards?" He asked, teasing the crowd again.

"Flyzik got a Mickey and the rest of the crew got teddies. Rian didn't get anything cause he's fat and ugly" Alex teased. The crowd burst out into a ramptous laughter.

"Only kidding, he gets his present when we get back home" Alex told them, raising an eyebrow and then laughing.

"What did you get?" Some kid yelled from the barrier. The crew looked at each other worriedly.

"Me? Nothing...absolutely nothing" Alex answered bluntly.

"What about from Jack?" Another kid yelled. Alex laughed.

"Nothing! Zilch, zero, nada! I got him something though, if you see him after the show I bought him that pick that's around his neck!" Alex shouted.

"Even though I got thim that, he didn't give me anything in return. Great right?" Alex questioned and shot a glare at Jack who was blushing and pretending to tune his guitar.

"But you know, whatever. Anyways this next song is Coffee Shop Soundtrack" Alex announced before starting the song.


After the show Matt caught Alex.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? That was fucking uncalled for" Matt hissed. Alex simply shrugged him off and stormed off to the showers.

Once everyone had left the venue, Alex thought he was the only one left until after pulling on his beanie he saw Matt standing there, playing with his lipring.

"Come on, we're waiting for you" Matt said. Alex then followed him out.

In front of the back exit was a car which Matt held the door open of.

"Why are we going in a car?" Alex asked quietly.

"Just get in" Matt said. Alex then crawled into the car.

When he sat down he realized Jack was sitting beside him. Alex chose to ignore him and focus on Matt driving.

"Where are we going?" Alex asked.

"Somewhere" Jack answered.

"No shit. I didn't ask you anyways. Matt where are we going?" Alex asked bitterly.

"You'll see" Jack replied again.


Twenty minutes later Matt slowed down the car and budged Alex to wake up.

"Here we are" Jack said with a smile. Jack climbed out of the car and waited for Alex.

"Come on" Jack said to Alex when he opened his door.

"I'm not going anywhere with you" Alex told him. Jack laughed.

"Just get out of the car" Jack pleaded. Alex shook his head.

"Get out of the fucking car Alex Gaskarth or I will arrange soundcheck at 8am every morning for the rest of this tour" Matt threatened. Alex groaned and stepped out without even looking up.

When he did, he saw he stood infront of a huge house. One of those ones you saw on TV that were out to rent for 50 thousand dollars. The stairs leading up to the door were lit up and before the two large wooden doors were two little water fountains. The house was white and was so elegant.

Alex gasped as he felt the car behind him roll away. He turned to Jack who was dragging a small suitcase.

"What is this..." Alex began. Jack dropped the suitcase. He then brought his hands to Alex's hips and pulled him close.

"Happy Valentine's Day" He said. Alex grinned and wrapped his hands around the back of Jack's neck. He tugged at it and smashed their lips together. Once they pulled away Alex looked at the house again.

"How did you afford this? I see this on TV and I never even dream of affording it" Alex asked in bewilderement.

"I've been saving up also the band and crew pitched it" Jack answered with a smirk.

"I'm sorry about before it's just I don't know what came over me. I guess I was just being stupid and I mean it wouldn't really matter if you hadn't and-" Alex babbled on nervously. Jack laughed and covered his mouth.

"You just need to have a little more faith in me baby" Jack told him. Alex smiled and then pulled his down for a soft kiss. Once they pulled away Alex played with Jack's pick.

"My present is so tiny compared to yours...I think I'm gonna have to give you a little more something" Alex teased as he turned the pick between his fingers.

"Oh really and what would that be?" Jack questioned. Alex bit his lip and smirked.

"It long are we here for?" He asked.

"2 nights" Jack answered quietly as Alex pulled his close by the collar of his t-shirt.

"You'll see when we get inside then" Alex whispered and then let go and began to walk away, swaying his hips a little less than necessary, making his jeans slip lower past his underwear.

"Such a fuckin' tease" Jack hissed before slightly running after his boyfriend.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: bathedoursmiles, rating: nc-17

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