I'll Never Let You Go (Fifteen)

May 07, 2014 13:32

Title: I'll Never Let You Go
Sequel to: More Than the World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: "If two people are meant to be, they'll pull through, and I've never seen a couple more in love than you and Alex. You'll see, Jack. Everything will be okay."
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen. I do, however, own Josie and her sweet little self, along with any other original characters.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.


“Alexander, you know you are more than welcome to stay here if you ever need to,” my mom told me, pouring more tea into her cup and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

“Mom, you know dad wouldn’t be too crazy about that idea,” I told her, running my finger around the rim of my mug.

“I don’t care what he has to say. You are my son, and if you want to stay here, you certainly can,” she said, giving me a stern look and I offered her a small smile.

“It’s alright, mom. I know you mean well, but I’m an adult. I can take care of myself,” I told her. “And Vinny doesn’t have a problem with me staying at his place.”

“I know you’re an adult,” she said with a sigh. “I just hate seeing my baby hurting.”

“I’m okay.”

“I’m your mother, Alex. I’m not stupid,” she said, and I felt the corner of my mouth lift up slightly in a half smile.

“I just miss him a lot,” I told her, chewing on the inside of my bottom lip, “and I’m trying to convince myself that everything will be okay.”

“It will be, sweetie. Every couple goes through something like this,” she said, laying a hand over mine.

“It’s all my fault, though. And I don’t know how to fix it. I feel like such an idiot,” I said, shaking my head.

“All you can do is show Jack that you’re trying for him and the babies.”

“Yeah,” I nodded, feeling her squeeze my hand.

“Are you coming over for Christmas?” she asked, taking a sip of her tea and I shrugged.

“If you want me to.”

“Of course I do! And I want you to bring my little princess,” she said, making me bite my cheek.

“I haven’t really talked to Jack about how Christmas is going to work this year. I don’t know if I’ll have Josie,” I told her and she frowned.

“Alex, I’m sure Jack is not going to keep your daughter from you on Christmas,” she said, shaking her head. “Ask him.”

“I don’t know.”

“Then I’ll call and ask him if I can take her. He won’t say no to me,” she said and I nodded.

“He won’t.”


“Hey, bro,” Vinny greeted as I sat on the couch next to him. “Where have you been?”

“I went to my mom’s,” I told him, picking up my water bottle from the previous night and unscrewing the lid.

“How was that?”

“It was alright. She just kept wanting to talk about me and Jack,” I said and he nodded.

“Has he texted you since yesterday?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I was hoping he would start talking to me again after he texted me the first time, but he never answered.”

“I’m sorry, man,” he said, clapping me on the shoulder and I shrugged.

“I’ll be alright.”

“What time is it?” he asked and I checked my phone.

“It’s quarter to four,” I answered and he groaned.

“I don’t wanna go to work,” he huffed and I laughed.

“Sorry, bro,” I told him. “Will you check the schedule and let me know what time I have to go in on Saturday?”

“Sure,” he sighed, getting off the couch and stretching. “You can go to work for me tonight if you want to.”

“Nah, it’s cool. You need the money,” I told him jokingly and he rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. I don’t get as many tips as your sexy ass,” he said and I laughed.

“Show ‘em your boobs,” I told him, watching him pretend to push his non-existent cleavage together and shimmy in my direction.

“What do you think?”

“Uh, maybe try tighter pants instead?” I shrugged and he let out a loud huff.

“See! You’re just prettier than me!” he exclaimed and I laughed again. “Fucking gay dudes! The women know they can’t have you, so they just want you more!”

“I’m bi!” I exclaimed, chuckling. “I find girls attractive. I’m just committed.”

“Yeah, yeah,” he said, waving his hand in my direction. “They still know you take it in the ass.”

“I’m a top!”

“I don’t need to know that!” he yelled back as he disappeared upstairs and I laughed again.

I grabbed the remote off the coffee table, turning on the television and looking through the guide. There was nothing but crap on, so I ended up settling for some reality show on MTV. I didn’t really understand what it was about, just watching some college kids throw a big party in a beach house.

I heard a loud buzz, picking my phone up off the table and seeing that Jack was calling me. My heart sped up and I slid my finger across the screen nervously, putting it up to my ear.

“Hello,” I answered, turning the television down and sitting back on the couch as I chewed my thumbnail nervously.

“Hey,” he answered and I smiled, missing his voice.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing really,” he answered. “I was watching a movie with Josie, but she fell asleep.”

“How is she?” I asked, feeling my heart tug as I thought about my daughter. I missed her.

“She’s good,” he said, pausing. “She’s been kind of whiny and clingy... but I think she just misses you.”

“I miss her too,” I answered. “I miss both of you.”

“Do you want to come over tomorrow?” he asked. “We can make cookies with Josie. And then you can stay the night and help me with the Santa presents. Josie should wake up with both of her parents here on Christmas.”

“Of course,” I answered. “What time do you want me to come?”

“It doesn’t matter,” he answered. “Whenever you want to come.”

“I can come at like, three,” I told him.

“That’s fine, Alex,” he responded and I grinned to myself.

“I’m really glad you called me, Jack,” I told him. “I miss you a lot.”

“I miss you too,” he answered.

“Can we talk... about us?”

“Let’s just see how tomorrow night goes, alright?”

“Alright,” I said, biting my nail again and feeling it rip just a little too far down.

“I have to go, though. I need to start making dinner for me and Josie,” he said and I frowned, nodding.

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Yeah,” he said, and it was a quiet on the other line for a minute before I heard him speak again. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” I said with a smile, feeling my heart soar in my chest. “Goodbye, Jack.”

“Bye, Alex.”

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, genre: mpreg, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover, chaptered: all for you

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