Westbound Sign (Eleven)

Jul 23, 2013 15:17

Title: Westbound Sign
Sequel to: All Pretty and Petite
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
POV: Alex
Summary: It's been a month since Alex left for Malibu, and Jack has been miserable ever since. Alex won't answer his phone calls, his text messages, his tweets, or even his e-mails. He's tortured by his regret of not getting the chance to tell the boy how he felt, and he's determined to find him and beg for his forgiveness.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.


I watched the cars pull out of my driveway, disappearing into the dark of the early morning. I shut the door, finding Jack standing next to me and leaning his head against the wall. His brown eyes were droopy and full of sleep and I couldn’t help but smile as he yawned.

“Bed?” he asked, cocking his head to the side like a puppy and I grabbed a hold of his hands.

“What about the beach?” I asked, smirking at the look he gave me. “Moonlight swim.”

“No. Those are for nights when I’m drunk and it’s two AM. It’s fucking five in the morning and I got out of bed to say bye to Flyzik and Rian and Vinny,” he said, giving me a look. “Now, back to bed.”

“We can sleep on the beach,” I said, raising an eyebrow and he shook his head.

“It’s cold. Le-ex, be-ed,” Jack whined, pulling on the sleeve of my hoodie.

“Watch the sunrise with me.”

“That’s like five hours from now.”

“More like an hour,” I chuckled.

“Too long,” he mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

“I have a hammock,” I offered.

“Will you wake me up with morning sex in your hammock?” he pouted and I chuckled, kissing his nose.

“Of course I will,” I told him, leading him out towards the back patio.

“Go get a blanket,” he said and I nodded, breaking away from him.

I grabbed the comforter off of my bed, carrying it out with me and finding Jack sitting on one of the lounge chairs on the patio.

“Come on,” I said, pulling him up by his hand and leading him out onto the sand. “Lay down, baby.”

I watched him raise his leg up sleepily, stumbling and almost falling into the white sand. I laughed, grabbing him and helping him stand.

“How do you even fucking do this? You have to be like a magician,” he whined and I chuckled.

“Just sit on it, and then lay back,” I said, holding onto the hammock and pushing him slightly to get him to sit down in the hammock. “You have to go butt first.”

“I’m not going butt first into shit!” he said and I laughed.

“You’re not gonna fall! Just lay down!” I insisted, helping him and watching him settle in, making the hammock sway.

“Jesus. You need like a fucking college degree to get into a hammock.”

“You’re just stupid,” I told him, laughing and throwing the blanket over him and climbing in next to him.

“Whatever,” he said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close. “I think you mentioned something about morning sex?”

“I thought you were too tired?” I answered, raising an eyebrow as he slipped his shirt off. “And cold.”

“Mmm, shut up and take your pants off,” he said, tugging on my basketball shorts.

“You have to take yours off too,” I told him, chuckling and slipping my fingertips underneath the waistband of his sweatpants, running my dull nails over the curve of his ass.

“Ugh, baby, don’t tease,” he groaned, pressing his lips to mine.

I pulled away after a few more presses, running my fingers over his bare chest teasingly and looking up into his darkened eyes.

“We’re not doing this without lube,” I told him, kissing along his jaw and hearing him whine.

“But we don’t have any!”

“There’s some inside. In my room on the nightstand,” I told him.

“You go get it!”

“I’m naked,” I told him and he huffed.

“Goddamnit,” he muttered, slipping out of the hammock and almost tripping again.

I laughed, seeing him shoot me a glare.

“That’s not funny,” he grunted, pulling his shorts up and jogging up the stairs.

I rested my hands behind my head, looking up at the twinkling stars and full moon. It was a beautiful night, and I could hear the waves rushing against the shore. Only a few moments passed before I heard the patio door slide shut and footsteps as Jack came jogging back to the hammock.

“It’s fucking chilly,” he told me, climbing back into the hammock swiftly and yanking the blanket around him.

I gasped as he pressed his cold feet against mine, hearing him chuckle.

“Asshole,” I muttered, sliding my hands down his back and spreading my thighs so that he could settle between them comfortably.

“Hush, baby boy,” he said, pulling me into a kiss.

We kissed slowly at first, but it soon became more and more heated. I let one of my hands travel down to press against his ass as his hips ground down against mine, the other winding through his raven and platinum hair.

“Why are you still wearing pants?” I questioned, groaning as Jack’s lips traveled down my neck.

“‘Cause I had to go get the lube,” he answered, smirking against my skin and I grunted.

“Take them off,” I told him, pushing on the cotton material.

“Alright, alright,” he said, wiggling the sweatpants down his leg before discarding them onto the sand below the hammock. “Better?”

“Loads,” I answered, uncapping the lube and pouring some into my hand before wrapping it around his hardened cock.

“Fuck, Alex,” he breathed, eyes rolling back as I jerked him off slowly. “Shit.”

He let his head lol onto my shoulder, panting hot into my ear and making my own erection twitch. I swiped my thumb over his slit, causing him to let out a low whine in my ear.

I let him go for a few more minutes before I pulled my hand away, resting it over my head. He lifted his head, eyes snapping open and looking down at me as he whined in protest.

“You gonna stretch me, or do I have to do that myself?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow and he smirked.

“Oh, don’t worry, babe. I’ll handle that,” he said, grabbing the lube from where it had fallen and coating three of his fingers.

I lifted my knees, feeling the hammock sway beneath us as Jack positioned himself up on his elbow awkwardly.

“Ready?” he asked and I nodded, shifting lower to give him a better angle.

I felt one of his fingers circle my entrance before pushing in slowly. I winced, biting my lip and closing my eyes as I fought the urge to clench and push his finger out.

“You okay, Lex?” he asked and I nodded.

“Just give me a minute,” I answered, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

I waited a few minutes before nodding, giving him the go-ahead to keep going. He pulled his finger out slowly, pushing back in at the same rate. It took time, but the burn of the stretch gradually became bearable.

“Another,” I told him, feeling a second finger push in along with his first.

He kept his slow pace, twisting and scissoring his fingers experimentally as he went.

“How bad does it suck?” he asked and I made a face.

“At first, a lot, but you get used to it. And it’s fucking awesome when you get to the good part,” I explained, opening my eyes and looking up at him. “Why? You interested in trying it?”

“Um, definitely not anytime soon,” he said and I laughed.

“I’ll get you eventually,” I smirked, grinding my ass back against his fingers. “Mmm, another.”

He worked his third finger in, pressing in and out. He twisted his fingers slightly, pressing around to try and find my prostate.

“Babe,” I whined, grinding onto his fingers. “Hurry up!”

He adjusted his fingers, pressing more to the right and making my eyes roll back as he hit my prostate.

“Ah-ah! Fuck!” I moaned, toes curling. “Okay! Come on, come on! Get inside me!”

“Somebody has no patience,” Jack chuckled and I growled, opening my eyes to look at him.

“Now,” I said, grabbing a hold of his hair and yanking him forward, crashing our lips together.

“Fuck, okay, Alex,” he said, adjusting our bodies so he was settled back between my thighs.

He guided himself so he was aligned with my entrance, pushing the tip in teasingly. I whined at the back of my throat, digging my heels into the back of his thighs to force him in deeper.

“Oh god, Alex,” he groaned, burying his face into my neck.

“Hold still,” I said, taking a deep breath and biting my cheek.

“Okay,” he mumbled, peppering kisses and nips along my neck.

I hummed, letting my head lol to the side and shifting my hips a little.

“O-okay,” I said, nodding. “Go ahead.”

Jack pulled his hips back, pushing back in at the same easy pace as before. He kept going with that rhythm until I dug my heels into his thighs again, aching for more.

He groaned, adjusting the direction of his thrusts every so often. Our lips were connected in a fiery kiss when he found the bundle of nerves he was looking for. I pulled back automatically, throwing my head back in a moan. My toes curled, nails digging into his shoulder blades and ass clenching around his dick. He moaned back, attacking my mouth with his in an attempt to muffle my noises.

“H-holy fuck!” I panted, whining as he sucked at my pulse point. “Faster, baby!”

He increased his tempo, hitting my sweet spot with every thrust.

“Oh god, Lex,” he moaned, panting into my neck. “So fucking tight.”

“You’re not too bad yourself, hot stuff,” I chuckled, whining as he bit at my neck. “Fuck.”

“Fucking shit, why haven’t we been doing this all our lives?” Jack mumbled, snapping his hips forward roughly and making my eyes roll back.

“Uhn, ‘cause someone was too busy pretending he didn’t like cock,” I retorted, hearing him growl.

“I like you better when you’re moaning my name,” he said and I laughed.

“Then make me,” I told him, squeezing my thighs against his hips. “Show me how much you like that cock now.”

“Gladly,” he said before wrapping his hand around my leaking erection.

“Uhn, yeah, baby,” I moaned, feeling him begin to jerk me off in the same rhythm as his thrusts. “So fucking good.”

“I’m close,” he grunted, and I clenched my muscles around him, making him choke on his words. “Oh fuck!”

“Cum for me,” I told him, attaching my lips to his pulse and sucking.

“O-oh shit! Alex!” he cried out as his hips stuttered. “Fuck, Alex!”

I dug my nails into his shoulder as the burning in my gut tipped over the edge, tugging at his hair with my free hand as I exploded all over both of our chests. He groaned low in his throat, burying his face into my neck as he buried his hips deep between my thighs.

“Fuck, Jack,” I panted, feeling him collapse against me in a sweaty mess.

“Oh shit,” he groaned, chest rising and falling rapidly as he tried to catch his breath. “Oh my god. That was amazing.”

“Oh yeah,” I panted, nuzzling my face into his sweaty hair.

After a few minutes of recovery time, Jack leaned over to grab one of our t-shirts to clean off our stomachs and chests. I made a face as he slipped out of me, wiggling around to try and get comfortable in the hammock. Jack pulled the blanket around us once we were all cleaned up, cuddling close to me.

“Good night, beautiful,” he said, yawning and I snorted.

“The sun is rising, Jack,” I told him, giggling as he groaned and dug his face into my back.

“Shh,” he hushed, spooning me closer. “Just go to sleep.”

I giggled, eyes falling over the waves as the sun began to light up the sky. I found his fingers under the blanket, winding them together as I let out a content sigh and let my eyes slip shut slowly.

♠ ♠ ♠I'll just leave that here...

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: all pretty and petite, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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