Oct 25, 2008 15:00
[transmission clicks on, accompanied by the sound of manic laughter]
Wasn't that just the most fun you've had in forever?
You guys ... are just ... unbelievable. I'm really enjoying how I'm still alive right now. I'm really enjoying everything really, life just can't get any better than this! Murder and mayhem and a little visit from my favourite Bat, who hilariously enough was once again not in time to prevent the TRAGIC death of one
Harvey Dent
god bless his soul, et cetera et cetera, I'm sure he'll be here with some commentary in a couple of days, but until then...! [mad cackling; which fades before a pause]
[shouted jovially] Hey ... SCARECROW! I saw you running amok last night with that wonderful fear toxin. Didn't stop by to say HELLO because I was otherwise occupied and not particularily interested in getting BLASTED with that shit, but I commend you for your efforts! You are truly spectacular my man. Truly.
'HATTER how is that leg of yours?
[more calmly] It's really too bad the sniper wasn't killed.
[leaving you on that note, the transmission clicks off]