Dear Yuletide Author (2012):

Oct 26, 2012 23:17

Dear Yuletide Author,

First of all, thank you so much for signing up for Yuletide! I hope you like the prompts that you got, even though they are strangely random!

Follow or ignore these guidelines at your discretion! If you love writing it, I'll probably love it too! So enjoy yourself! In general, these are some things that I like: character studies, relationships with ill-defined boundaries, friendships that might be romantic, realistic portrayals of shitty situations, relatistic portrayals of people overcoming shitty situations, conversations that mean ten different things, long touches, weighted glances, people not saying the things they want to say, redemption arcs, crackfic, apocafic, zombies, AUS OF ALMOST ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. (That is a random list.) In general, these are some things that I do not like: melodrama, white knights, deathfic, rape-as-backstory, rape-as-plot-device, stories that the writer doesn't enjoy writing. Which is my way of saying: have fun!

On to the specifics!

Dublin Murder Squad: Aw man but I love Cassie and Rob's fucked up relationship and how much they needed each other and how torn up it all got. I'd love something set after they split up, post-The Likeness, something where they just run into each other or something where they have to work together again, maybe. I have a huge partners kink, so I think it's be heartrending to see, given how much they used to occupy the same spaces, what they filled those spaces with when the other person wasn't there anymore. I also like Sam and Frank, so feel free to include the wider universe as you wish.

Elementary: AW MAN JOAN/SHERLOCK. As I said, I'm all about ill-defined relationships, so I could go platonic or romantic or a mix of the two for these guys. Casefic or character studies or backstory or futurefic, whatever. I really enjoy the portrayal of their relationship on the show, the way they give or don't and how it informs the way they relate to each other.

Friday Night Lights: I'd love a post-series fic where Tyra and Landry reconnect, either in Dylan or somewhere else, and get back together, either romantically or just as friends. I really enjoyed how supportive they were of each other and pushed each other to do new or better things with themselves.

Stranger Than Fiction: I love this movie and I love Karen and Jules and the tiniest hints of a connection they have. He's a huge fan and she's coming around to being a different kind of writer and I'd love a story set after the series where they keep in touch. Send each other letters? Emails? Talk about the future of the modern novel and whether increasingly gendered representations of fiction are bad for the world? Normal people request epistolary stories where 60yos fall in love, right?

I hope this is helpful! I'm fine with all ratings, and I really, really hope that you enjoy this year's Yuletide! If you have any follow-up questions, feel free to ask my roommate/fandom twin juniperlane. (Last year's letter, for further reference, is here.)

Happy Yuletide!


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