Oct 01, 2006 14:59
It wasn't easy to close the case. Dennis Riley knew the boy personally, and his mother was a good friend.
The boy was willing and brave, and a bit muleheaded, but he had potential.
The story was buried at the back of The Daily Prophet, but news had gone around the Ministry, eventually to Hogwarts, and Riley didn't have to keep the lad's identity a secret.
For weeks, they searched for the boy, but they could not even sense his magic anymore. The boy could not be found at all.
Riley sighed, and rolled the piece of parchment he was to submit to the newspaper. Press releases were hateful enough as it is, much more when it contained someone's obituary.
Riley remembered the last line of the release and he felt his spirits sink even lower:
You will not be forgotten, Seamus Kelly Declan Finnigan.