Set in Season 3, House and Cuddy hookup at a bar. (Yes, I'm being intentionally vague.)
House was sitting at his favorite bar stool in his favorite bar drinking his favorite brand of scotch when a rather cheery group of revelers came through the front door and sat down at a nearby table
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I love how you build up the tension between the two (with a bit of help by their friend Jack. Daniels.) And I assumed that this wouldn't go without trouble BUT IMPREGNANTING HER????
I can't wait to read how they cope with it. Pregnancy fics are usually not my fave but I trust you to not let me down (because you never did *builds up insane pressure*). The fact that they wanted to keep this another one night stand (well she did) and it ends up with the most string attaching outcome ever makes this super interesting.
This review was brought to you from Provence ;)
P.S. J'aime le Cameron mocking as per
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