Jan 23, 2005 19:45
Basically, right now I'm really mad at myself because I've had all weekend to do so much and I didn't start anything. Annddd this weekend sucked because I did nothing. Friday we went to Jaffee's for a little to say bye. I went to bed early because Saturday I woke up at 8am woooo to watch some of Chris Berg's black belt test. It was so weird being in karate to watch...it just felt weird. It kinda made me miss it, but not that much. I had to leave for the decorations weekend for OMC. Call me a loser, but I was excited for it. It's always been kinda fun. This year it was not. boo. Then it started snowing so I went home and that's basically my weekend.
Yesterday I should have been productive by studying...but I just spent it watching TV and being pissed off that I'm getting a ridiculously bad cold. I don't really get sick a lot, but when I do it seems to be the worst timing everrr. so yea, i spent the day being sick and completely unproductive...but at least i had an excuse because i was sick.
today was the same. i finished cleaning my closet though o you can see my floor(and in 2 days, you probably won't be able to) and then my dad took me driving. yea, he's crazy. he's lilke "see that pile of snow...drive into it" and made me get stuck so i could get out. it was good times..not so much.
now it's 8 and i still haven't finished my government paper that was due last friday or started studying for my apes midterm tomorrow. i'm awesome.