"And my guess is that you'll just ignore me"

Nov 27, 2004 00:41

So..not too excited about tonight but it's not livejournal worthy I guess. I think I'm missing something. People change so quickly? So I haven't really done anything exciting lately but wait around for people. Wednesday I went out w/ Jacquie, Jackie, Matt, Ariella and Lee. Lee and El went to Long Beach and the rest of us looked for something to do. There was nothing-they came over and watched Liar Liar, but I fell asleep. What a good movie though.
Uh, yesterday was Thanksgiving. I spent it w/ my parents and then at the Berg family household. That's one family I'm thankful for<3 Jackie and myself went to CVS since that's something we're both very thankful for as well. Today I did nothing, it was upsetting. At night I hung out w/ Jackie and we went to The Sands, starbucks, literally drove around in circles, went to the beach but decided we didn't want to actually go because it's sketchy, and then went back to my house.
I hate the cold weather..
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