Challenge 017: Gameofcards Promotional Graphics | Part One

Jul 21, 2015 23:30

Hi y'all! Here's the first round of my entries for the promo challenge. I made an icon with the mascot(s) for each suit and anyone is welcome to grab those for use and whatnot. Also if anyone wants to snag the Spade Pride banner, go for it.

all graphics under here! )

user: madampresident

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Comments 3

adsullatta July 22 2015, 17:50:02 UTC
These are all fantastic! Am snagging the team hearts icon and will credit when I use it <3


madampresident July 22 2015, 22:05:36 UTC
Yay :) I'm glad you like it! That one turned out to be my favorite


luminousdaze July 27 2015, 22:35:32 UTC
Oh that's who our mascot is! Could you tell me who that is that exactly? The character from The Tudors? I didn't join the comm until way after that challenge had ended so I'm not sure. But I put that icon in the userpics in the team spades profile.


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