Character Theme Song Mix

Jun 06, 2015 22:12

Just some of my favorite characters all of them female but that's obvious. :)

Toph Beifong, Seven of Nine, Ana Lucia Cortez, Shannon Rutherford, Kara Thrace, Dawn Summers, Buffy Summers, Octavia Blake, Tara Thornton, Emma Swan

Toph Beifong (Avatar the Last Airbender)

UR - Alanis Morissette

precocious you are
headstrong you are
terrified you are
ahead of your time you are

don't mind our staring but
we're surprised you're not in a far-gone asylum
we're surprised you didn't crack up

resilient you are
big time you are
ruthless you are
precious you are

Seven of Nine (Star Trek Voyager)

Robot - Miley Cyrus

but the sound of the steel and the crush and the grind
it all screams to remind who decides my life
but in time it all dies there's nothing left inside
just rusted metal that was never even mine

all this time I've been misled
there was nothing but crossed wires in my head,
I've been taught to think that what I feel doesn't matter at all
'till you say it's real

stop telling me I'm part of the big machine
I'm breaking free
can't you see
I can love
I can think
without somebody else operating me
you gave me eyes so now I see
I'm not your robot
I'm just me

Ana Lucia Cortez (Lost)

Swim - Jack's Mannequin

memories like bullets
they fired at me from a gun
a crack in the armor
I swim to brighter days
despite the absence of sun
choking on salt water
I'm not giving in, I swim

you gotta swim
through nights that won't end
swim for your families
your lovers your sisters
and brothers and friends

Shannon Rutherford (Lost)

Precious Illusions - Alanis Morissette

you'll rescue me, right?
in the exact same way they never did

I'll be worthy, right?
only when you realize the gem I am

but this won't work as well as the way it once did
'cause I want to decide between survival and bliss
and though I know who I'm not I still don't know who I am
but I know I won't keep on playing the victim

Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica)

I Was Everyone - Joan as Police Woman

I looked into the sky, felt the ages collide
and the wind, I heard it call my name

said, girl, you are the chosen one, you'll make history
so go rally the men and make them listen
and you will feel the tides turn for you
you will read the eyes of your enemies

with that, that voice was gone and I stood alone
had I received a message from beyond the stone
and why would it be me

Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Past in Present - Feist

the scarlet letter isn't black
gotta know who's got your back
because they're right in front of you
because they're telling you the truth

so much present inside my present
inside my present so
so much past

feeling it from dark to bright
when a wrong becomes a right

Buffy Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

The Tower - Vienna Teng

the one who survives by making the lives of others worthwhile
she's coming apart
right before my eyes

I need not to need
I've always been the tower
but now I feel like I'm the flower
trying to bloom in snow
the danger and the power
the friend and the foe

Octavia Blake (The 100)

Shine - Amel Larrieux

I've come back to the real world
and put my bitterness behind
'cause revenge is not as sweet as my freedom
and no one's taking mine

promises broken with endless waiting
been so many mountains I've had to climb
I got this feeling something is waiting
my destiny's changing
I'm about to shine

experience has taught me
what I need to take me far
see I can mingle with my enemies
'cause now I know who they are
I'm stronger then I've ever been
got to be to survive

Tara Thornton (True Blood)

Seven - Fever Ray

I've got a friend
who I've known since I was seven
we used to talk on that phone
if we have time, if it's the right time

I think I know it from a heaven
they said so
it doesn't need no explanation
or a box to open up with light and sound
making you cold
very cold

Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)

Hard Land of Wonder - Anita Lipnicka

she hits the hard land of wonder
that nothing prepared her for
and the guide books go blank and guideless
and the guiding lights are holes in the darkness
and parachutes won't unfold

it's her birthday - the candles are burning
and the memories keep returning
glossy postcards from some other life

am I the river, or am I the boat?
there's swirly dark water wherever I go
am I the paper, or am I the pen
possessed and driven
by some greater hand?

so, could it be love is all that matters
that rough pillow of splinters and feathers
no one ever can rest upon?
as she follows the smell of roses
is she choosing or being chosen
moving closer or farther from home?

fandom: avatar tla, fandom: battlestar galactica, fandom: the 100, user: dance_the_dance, fandom: once upon a time, fandom: lost, type: fanmix, fandom: star trek: voyager

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