The Road Not Taken

Apr 18, 2015 11:03

This will probably be unpopular, but I'd have liked to see something like this.

Fandom: Castle
Book/Movie/Episode: Set down the road mid Season 6, but the different road taken happened at the end of Season 4. Alternate ending fic.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 533
Note: Drawn from a bit of dialogue in Suicide Squeeze (2.15) between Castle and Alexis:“My first year of college I, uh, went to a party, I met this girl Alison. In the space of six hours we met, we talked, we danced, we fell in love. Next morning she was gone. I spent a year trying to find her, but I never learned her last name. There's not a week that goes by I don't think about her.”

Castle crunched along the gravel path. In one hand he balanced a coffee holder carrying two tall cups; with the other hand he fingered a small, square cube of a velvet-covered box in his pocket. When he almost tripped stepping off the path onto the grass, he forced himself to stop, take a few deep breaths, then proceed with more measured steps across the lawn toward the play area, where he could see Beckett idly swaying on one of the swings. As she came more into view, he found himself smiling, his step more buoyant. He strode over to her, calling out, “Grande skim latte, two pumps sugar-free vanilla! Let’s hope you haven’t changed THAT in your time in our nation’s capital!”

See what happens next...

user: catko, type: fic, fandom: castle

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