Challenge 56: Bingo Card

Feb 19, 2015 22:24

Childhood Hero

Belle & Natalie Coughlin


Barney Stinson & Harry Potter


Gossip Girl


Stock & The Muppets


David Tennant/Georgia Moffett & Billie Piper


The Doctor leaned forward examining his reflection closely.

“Roooosseeee” he called out towards the still dark bed room.

He could hear an answering grunt, but no sound of her moving closer. “Rose,” he tried again but the only response he received was a soft, “sleepy”

With a soft sigh the Doctor turned off the light and glanced at the clock. It was still too early for Rose to be up, but not early enough to do what he needed to do.

He pulled on some clothes and grabbed his keys, leaving their small flat.

Less than an hour later, Rose was in their kitchen fixing some toast when the Doctor walked back in. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him.

“Wait, are those highlights?” she asked gesturing towards his hair.

“I found a gray hair this morning. I had to do something.” he complained as Rose laughed.


Wicked & Monster University




Veronica never though her life would go in this direction. There had been a bit of time where she'd hoped it would, but then her career took over.

She'd moved way from everything that she had ever known and loved.

But after the ten year reunion, her life had changed courses completely. And she had never been more sure that his was exactly where she was meant to be. As much as they didn't want to hear it she owed nearly everything to Wallace and Mac for forcing her to go.

Her fingers slide over the framed photo of her and Logan on their wedding day. She glanced up with a smile as he walked back into the room cradling their newborn daughter.

Her life wasn't what she'd expected but she wouldn't have it any other way.

type: icon, fandom: harry potter, fandom: veronica mars, type: fic, user: dance_thrulife, fandom: doctor who

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