Inspiration Post

Jan 27, 2015 18:17

The theme of my inspiration post is Middle Earth. There is a mix of Hobbit, LOTR, and Silmarillion stuff here. Some icons, photos, and picspams as well as a ton of gorgeous fanart.

This is a fairly long post because there is some big art behind the cut. Also, for the arachnophobes, there is one image of Ungoliant.

First, we have Jenny Dolfen's Silmarillion fanart. My current pairing obsession is Maehdros/Fingon, and I really, really love her Maehdros art:

Then we have my absolute favorite LOTR Icon by Byakuganchick

And here is a lovely Beren/Luthien picspam by Adenydd on Tumblr:

And there is a gorgeous Edoras picspam found here:

And, of course, you can't have Middle Earth without pretty scenery:

This is the Ruins of Gondolin by Grrrod on Deviantart:

Fingolfin challenges Morgoth by Gerwell on Deviantart:

And a creepy Annatar/Sauron image, also by Gerwell:

Every month Luthien-dreams makes gorgeous calendars and walpapers:

And the One Ring:

And this is pretty art of the two trees by HelenKei at Deviantart:

Icons by Christinaa88:

Icons by deanandsam-grfx:

Picture by KarlLevie on Deviantart:

I love the color on this picture by DonatoArts on Deviantart:

And on this one by eiyoSadeq:

And on this image of Angband by stirzocular:

And finally I give you Smaug:

Edit: I see other people have included fanmixes, so I'm going to include my favorite fanmix that I've made. It is an instrumental, 60-track mix about various Middle Earth Locations.

Beauty and Shadow

user: philstar22, fandom: middle-earth, type: other

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