Dec 29, 2014 04:30
The day ended in a tie. No one died. I hate you all. no I don't, don't listen to me
There are still 27 innocents and 13 assassins.
Sorry for the delay in posting. I had to make sure everything is correct, by double and triple checking that the numbers are correct.
Congrats on getting a mafia post to 800+comments. I haven't seen that in a while. :D
On a more important note:
Tomorrow by this time there will be mafia godding.
What does this mean? People who signed up, but who remained inactive (meaning they didn't leave 4 comments and/or didn't vote) will be removed by me, your mod.
It's annoying to try to figure out who of the inactive people are innocents/assassins. There's nothing to figure out, there are no clues, all you can do is guess, and hope for the best.
Which is why mafia godding was introduced to the game.
It's a way to keep the game fair and interesting to everyone who is actively trying to play.
Names of those in danger of mg-ing will be big and bolded in the post tomorrow. No one will be able to miss it.
So if you want to stay in the game, now that you've seen how it works, but you're one of the few people who are in danger of mafia godding, consider to show up tomorrow, and leave a couple of comments or vote.
If not that's fine, too. It will all be taken care of :D
if cupiding is going on between someone who is in danger of mg-ing and someone who is active, the active person will remain alive, because it would be unfair to be killed because someone else isn't active. The same counts for the siblings. If one of them should be one of the mg victims, the other one will stay alive.
Now to the usual:
If you have a chat, chats are open now!
If you are expecting a pm from me, you'll receive it in a few! If you think I forgot to pm you, contact me. (but keep in mind that I'm slow, and that I need to send out more than one pm ;D )
Pm me with any questions you might have.
!community: activity,
!community: mafia