challenge 5: 20 in 20

Dec 13, 2014 14:21

All my entries for the 20in20, a mixture of icons and drabbles.

entry i: theme: magic
Title: Where We Start From
Summary: They're not friends, but perhaps they can learn to be, now that they're starting to know each other behind the scenes.
Fandom/Verse: Original
Word Count: 274
AN: Title from T. S. Eliot.

[drabble: where we start from]
Where We Start From
they’re not friends, but perhaps they can learn to be, now that they’re starting to know each other behind the scenes

She holds out her hands so they’re near her shoulders. Within seconds, they start to glow and-ashes, he guesses, not knowing the proper term-start to fall out of them, drifting slowly to the ground. They look like wings, falling at her side.

“Beautiful,” he says, meaning it, even if the word is still awkward in his mouth. He isn’t used to being anything that’s beyond distantly polite to her, let alone outright loathing.

She smiles, but it’s sad, and when he reaches out to touch the ashes, she closes her hands and they disappear. “Not really,” she replies, surprisingly gentle. “But I appreciate that, regardless.”

It must be common where she comes from because no one in his village could make fire come out of their hands; no one in his village could do any sort of magic.

He asks, to break the silence, “Did you learn that, or is it natural?”

“A little bit of both,” she replies. “I’ve always been able to make fire, but I had to learn how to tame it.”

He nods, not knowing what else to say.

Wringing her hands together, she asks, “Should we go on? We still have a lot of ground to cover, and it’s nearing dusk.”

“Alright,” he says after a moment. “Let’s go.”

They don’t speak for the rest of the evening, and perhaps it is better this way, because no doubt they would start arguing again. But he’s coming to know her a little more behind the scenes, and he wonders-for the first time after almost two weeks since they met-if they could possibly learn to be friends.

entry ii: category: favorite scenes

type: icon, type: fic, user: lealila

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