Our TV Show (Jacquelee and Dance_the_Dance)

Oct 23, 2014 19:38

Do Not Cross


In the year 2260, Babylon 5 is a refuge for those who escaped the tyrant regime on Earth and those who try to escape the Shadow war. With the galaxy going to hell, it is the one place where people of all different races still come together to do business, to just try and live their lives free from oppression.
In this climate, another form of oppression thrives. Prostitution, gangs, violence, all of this is daily life in Down Below, the part of the station where all the ‘upper class’ people who work on the station or do business there only venture when they absolutely have to.
It is a dangerous place for everyone, a place where only the most violent and ruthless survive.
Except for Brown 15, sector K. Everyone knows, you don’t enter this sector without having only the purest intentions. Only those who are oblivious to the dangers (and are most likely never to come back) or those who want to find shelter, who never harmed anyone, dare to go there.
There are stories that the walls themselves kill everyone who does not have the purest intentions, that there are beings who live there, beings that will suck out the life of anyone who dares to have a harmful intent.
Andi knows those rumors. She has survived on her own on Babylon 5 for two years, stealing and begging for scraps. Now she is at the end of her ropes. She knows the only way to survive is to either join one of the gangs, become a prostitute or steal from the only place no one would ever dare steal from.
She chooses the latter and gets far more than she bargained for.

Main characters:

Andi - Willow Smith
Andi is a teenager, who learned the hard way to survive on her own. When her mother went with her to live on Babylon 5, getting a good job in a restaurant, it seemed to be the start of a new life. But it only lasted for a year. Andi’s mother died and left her with nothing. Not able to leave the station, Andi adapts to the new life by stealing and begging for food.
It works for two years, but then Babylon 5 severs all ties with Earth and the structures in Down Below, which always have been in favour of the ruthless and greedy, become impossible to maneuver. After having gone weeks without any decent food, Andi decides that stealing from the one place no one dares to even enter is the only way to survive.
And it seems successful too. Only it starts a chain of events that change Andi’s life forever.

Ayana learned very early in her life that she was different and that being different was evil. Her hair had been a soft pink shade ever since she was born and she had always had the ability to talk to her sisters telepathically and hear them ‘talk’ back to her in thoughts. She never had any other telepathic abilities though. Their abusive parents forced her to dye her hair to appear ‘normal’ and kept her and her sisters inside the house their entire lives, because they were convinced that the girls were evil.
When Ayana was twelve, suddenly her talent manifested in a different way overnight. Her dyed hair became pink again and she discovered after accidentally killing her parents when they grabbed her, intending on doing her harm, that she had become a mirror, reflecting other’s intentions back to them.
Being brought to a foster family Ayana and her sisters tried figuring out what to do and how to survive, how to learn to use her new found power to their advantage without harming anyone who didn’t deserve that harm.

Among the triplets, Vero is the one who is most optimistic in all circumstances and never lost her inherently happy attitude. Having been called dumb and useless by her parents all her life, Vero is quite sensitive to those terms. She is happiest when she can just be herself. She invents stories and dreams, always cheering her sisters up when everything seems hopeless and dark.
Vero acts as sort of an interpreter for Ayana, relaying her thoughts to everyone Ayana wishes to speak to. For Vero there is a very distinct difference in when she is speaking as herself and when she is speaking for Ayana, but for everyone else besides Kivan, it can be hard to figure out this difference at first, which can lead to confusion.
After the sisters get adopted by Aida and Jen, Vero dyes her hair a vibrant pink as to draw attention away from Ayana and onto herself (she loves attention).

Kivan was always the one who intentionally drew most of her parents physical and emotional abuse, being convinced that she was the ‘strong one’, that she could ‘handle it’ much better than her sisters. She was always the one who yelled back, the one who ensured that Ayana and Vero could have a few moments of peace.
Now that she is not needed in this role anymore, she has to figure out who she is, what she wants for herself. She knows she will always try to protect her sisters from any harm but now she can actually be herself.

Aida - Gabourey Sidibe
Aida’s more or less peaceful life as a teacher and happy wife is interrupted when she and her wife finally get approved for fostering leading to adoption of three teenage girls. It is apparent from the beginning that these girls need a place where they can feel safe and people who love them. Aida and Jen are determined to give them that, and eventually the girls realize that they can trust Jen and Aida and after waging all the options, the family relocates to Babylon 5, to escape the growing xenophobia on Earth but also to make it harder for PSI Corps or anyone who would want to come after Ayana and her sisters to get them.
On Babylon 5, the family can finally settle in their own part of Down Below, protected by Ayana's power and live together happily.

Jenara - Mindy Kaling
Jenara (Jen) is a Centauri woman of a very low class. Having denounced all Centauri practices and culture she became a slave and spend a few months on Babylon 5 as a dancer before winning her freedom and relocating to Earth, what she thought of as a safe place. Once there, she finds a job in a school and meets the love of her life, Aida.
Together they built a life for themselves and after their daughters come into their life, they rebuild this life on Babylon 5 for themselves and others in similar situations.

user: jacquelee, user: dance_the_dance

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