This post contains five drabbles and five sig tags from different fandoms. Drabbles are all 100 words exactly. Sigtags will include a blank sigtag for you to customize with your own name and team if you wish.
1. eat healthier (Warehouse 13, Pete & Myka, drabble)
"I'm not sure this counts," Myka said. "In fact, Pete, I'm pretty sure it doesn't."
"What do you mean?" Pete asked. It came out as "whaymn?" since his mouth was full of the biggest sandwich Myka had ever seen. He chewed frantically and then swallowed, pounding his chest with his fist. "It's healthy."
"You used whole wheat bread instead of white and left the rest of that heart-stopped as it was. That's not healthy!"
Pete shrugged. "At least I'm making an effort."
Myka glared. "It was raining. I'm not going for a run in pouring rain!"
"Shut up, Pete!"
2. eat healthier (Leverage, Parker, sig tag)
3. get more excercise (Stargate SG-1, Daniel & Jack, drabble)
"Hang on, I gotta tie my shoe!"
"Again?" Daniel jogged on the spot for a moment, but when Jack determinedly bent down to fiddle with his shoe - for the third time since they started their first morning run of the new year - he stopped.
"I don't know what's up with these shoes."
"Uh-huh. Could it be that the general attached to the shoes is a little out of shape?"
Jack stood up and sucked in his stomach. "I'm in the prime of my life, Danny."
Daniel poked him in the stomach.
Jack's stomach bulged. "Oof. Not fair."
"Keep running, slowpoke."
4. learn how to cook (Leverage, Parker & Eliot, drabble)
"Can I do something more than chop and stir today?"
Eliot paused in chopping the garlic. "Chopping's an important skill."
"I know." Parker turned her chopping board around. On it sat a finely chopped onion. "I'm good enough, right?"
"All right," Eliot conceded. "You go on."
Parker eagerly switched places with Eliot and then hesitated. "You don't have a recipe."
Eliot shrugged. "Don't need a recipe. What can you do with onion and garlic?"
"Italian?" Parker guessed. "Pasta?"
"Pick at least one vegetable and a type of pasta from the pantry," Eliot instructed. "Now here's what we're going to do…"
5. learn a new language (Arabella of Mars, Arabella & Mills, G, drabble)
The Venusians provided Arabella with ample material for her language studies once she stopped to actually listen instead of just hearing their utterances. Even after weeks and weeks of studies - both on her own and with Mills - she was far from fluent. But bit by bit most of the words were starting to make sense even if the grammar and the gender of words were still a mystery to her.
Meeting Mills for their next language lessons, he greeted her in the slaves' dialect and she responded in kind and soon they were discussing the subtleties of the Venusian languages.
6. be less arrogant (even if you're right) (Leverage, Nate Ford, sig tag)
7. get organized (Teen Wolf, Stiles & Derek, G, drabble)
Derek stopped short half in, half out the window. He gingerly lowered himself into Stiles' room, careful to avoid the high stacks of paper and books. "What's all this?"
Stiles jumped and bumped his chair into the nearest stack of papers which came tumbling down in a heap, shaking one or two other paperwork towers nearby.
Stiles gave him the evil eye and bent down to pick up the papers, muttering under his breath.
"Stiles. What is this?"
"What are you, blind? I'm getting organized!"
Derek looked around the room which looked more chaotic than he'd ever seen it. "Sure."
8. dress more professionally (Leverage, Hardison, sig tag)
9. keep a diary (BtVS, Dawn Summers, sig tag)
10. smile more (Leverage, Parker, sig tag)