Challenge 7 Wedding Planning

Mar 26, 2019 14:57

I went way overboard with this but I owe some people some fic so.....

Title: Second Chances
Fandom: Bewitched/Hawaii 5 O
Characters/Pairing(s): Steve Mcgarrett/Samantha Stephens, Endora/Maurice, Tabitha, Adam, Darrin, Dan “ Danno” Williams, Original Characters.
Rating: M
Warnings: some nudity and implied sex
Word Count: about 6K
Words/Prompts Used: engagement/proposal, venue, invitations, guests, wedding party, color/theme/overall design, flowers/decorations, dress/wedding attire/hair/make-up/jewelry, bachelor/bachelorette parties, vows/ceremony/officiant/rings, reception, honeymoon
Link to Complete project on AO3: HERE

Graphics Under the Cut

type: icon, type: sigtag, type: fic, type: banner, type: picspam, user: sidhe_faerie, type: other

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