Jan 07, 2018 13:22

1. Scene with a character asleep = 5 pts

3. A link to the number 1 song the week you were born = 1 pts

4. Fill out the form at and screencap the ensuing fanfic = 1 pt

5. A scene with a crystal ball = 1 pts

6. Any edited graphic from an Oscar-winning movie (Best Picture) from 2012-2016 = 5 pts

7. Three people hugging = 1 pts

8. A scene with twins = 1pts

9. Someone making a phone call = 1pts

10. An animated gif of someone laughing = 1 pts

11. Screencap of a character singing = 1pts

12. An icon of your favourite character (cannot be an icon you made) = 1 pts

13. A picture of the view out your window = 2pts

15. A song with the word darkness in the lyrics (must include link to lyrics) 1pts
Josh Groban - Remember When it Rained:

16. Someone on horseback = 2 pts

17. A pet with a hat = 1 pts

19. What you had for lunch today = 2 pts

20. A trading card = 2 pts

21. People playing a game - 1pts

22. A video/link to a song from a local band - 1 pts (I put one of the bands from the state I grew up in, not the one I live in now for privacy reasons)

23. A cat having a nap = 1pts

24. Holiday decoration = 2pts

25. A picture of a Christmas jumper (sweater) = 1 pts

26. A scene with your favourite animal in it = 1pts

28. A funny car license plate = 1pts

29. A child feeding birds = 1pts

33. Someone(s) in a hot air balloon = 1 pts

39. A picture of a clock = 2pts

45. A scene with a character reading a book = 1 pts

49. A screen shot of a character at the beach = 1 pts

50. People kissing under the mistletoe = 1pts

51. A picture of a historical marker in your town =2 pts

52. A link to (or picture of) your favorite recipe = 2pts

54. A picture of a sunset = 1pts

55. A scene with a castle - 1 pts

user: wagrobanite

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