Challenge 26: GISHGOCHES

Jan 07, 2018 15:44

In list form:

1. Scene with a character asleep: Cassandra in The Librarians

+1 pt

2. Screencap of animation in a non animated show/movie: the gang in Community

+1 pt

3. A link to the number 1 song the week you were born: picked the charts from my own country, btw
Come back and stay, Paul Young
+1 pt

4. Fill out the form at and screencap or link the ensuing fanfic
it was too long for a screencap, so here's a link so you can read the whole thing if you want to. I was at the same time delighted (in a bad way) and appalled (also in a bad way).
+1 pt

5. A scene with a crystal ball: Harry and Ron in divination class, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

+1 pt

6. Any edited graphic from an Oscar-winning movie (Best Picture): Braveheart (1996 winner) sig tag (I had the biggest crush on Sophie Marceau)

+5 pts

7. Three people hugging: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint

+1 pt

8. A scene with twins: Fred and George Weasley in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

+1 pt

9. Someone making a phone call: Nate Ford in Leverage

+1 pt

10. An animated gif of someone laughing: Rose and 10 in Doctor Who

+1 pt

11. Screencap of a character singing: Troy and Abed in Community

+1 pt

12. An icon of your favourite character (cannot be an icon you made): Parker, made by larmay

+1 pt

13. A picture of the view out your window

14. A picture of a fancy hubcap

15. A song with the word darkness in the lyrics (must include link to lyrics)

16. Someone on horseback

17. A pet with a hat: (I tried to put a baseball cap on her and she tried to eat it... and I still had to wait until she was asleep to put this on. Of course she woke up, gave me a betrayed look and then did all kinds of contortions to get it off again)

+2 pts

18. Screencap of The Animal Rescue Site proving you clicked on the link to help the animals (they donate free food to shelters with every click)

+1 pt

19. What you had for lunch today: a thing of spinach, chickpeas, sausage and egg -

+2 pts

20. A trading card

21. People playing a game: my mother has problems with her fine motor skills in her right hand, so we occasionally play kids' games to help her get more steady

+2 pts

22. A video/link to a song from a local band

23. A cat having a nap (two for the price of one!)

+1 pt

24. Holiday decoration: our tree!

+2 pts

25. A picture of a Christmas jumper (sweater)

+1 pt

26. A scene with your favourite animal in it

27. Picture of a building mural

28. A funny car license plate

29. A child feeding birds

30. A scene with someone opening a gift

31. A famous celebrity who either shares your first name or your initials

32. A picture of a superhero

33. Someone(s) in a hot air balloon

34. A link to a trailer for a movie that came out the month you were born

35. Screencap with nobody's face showing, but at least 3 people's backs

36. A picture of the Women's March (or other peaceful protest) from your town or area. (+1 bonus point if you made a protest sign yourself)

37. A bookmark, either a premade one or one you have made. Should be holiday themes or fandom: a Slytherin bookmark made not by me but for me by a friend of mine - it's amazing!

+2 pts

38. Your favorite bumpersticker or magnet

39. A picture of a clock

40. An animal in the snow

+2 pts

41. A scene with someone playing cards

42. A scene or link from a favourite tv show/movie: Jurassic Park! And because I love it so much, I made myself an animated sig tag. *g*

+5 pts

43. A scene where two or more characters are clearly from different eras

44. A link to a vid of your favourite ship (relationship/friendship)

45. A scene with a character reading a book: Xander shouldn't speak Latin in front of the books, BtVS

+1 pt

46. A photo of a flag of your state/province/region

+1 pt

47. Two screencaps, each featuring the same two actors in a scene together in TWO separate/unrelated projects. (Example: Alan Rickman & Emma Thompson in HP5: Order of the Phoenix and Love Actually, but not HP5: Order of the Phoenix and HP3: Prisoner of Azkaban)

48. A picture of an action figure in your possession

49. A screen shot of a character at the beach: Buffy in Buffy the Vampire Slayer

+1 pt

50. People kissing under the mistletoe

51. A picture of a historical marker in your town: the old mill (it's a museum now)

+2 pts

52. A link to (or picture of) your favorite recipe (This potato and spinach dish with cheese is the best thing ever!)

+2 pts

53. A link to a song (youtube or other version) that featured in a show that you will forever associate with the scene it was played in (+1 bonus point if includes a brief explanation)

image Click to view

(fyi, this is not a clip from the show but a fanvid)
Here's a link in case the embed doesn't work for you: Sarah McLachlan's Full of Grace
This song will forever be linked with Buffy for me. The first time I heard it was while watching this episode and it was so sad. Buffy having to kill Angel and then deciding that she absolutely cannot stay, not with everything she's been through - and then this song, all sad and slow and beautiful, plays in the background. Basically, every time I hear it, I see Buffy sitting in that bus heading out of Sunnydale. It's been twenty years, and I doubt that will ever change.
+2 pts

54. A picture of a sunset (this is an older pic because the weather has been a bit unpredictable with fog and rain and pretty much no sun, so no recent sunsets you could actually photograph)

+2 pts

55. A scene with a castle: on the way to COMC in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

+1 pt

56. A picture of a schoolbus (in Germany, schoolbuses are just regular buses with a schoolbus sign in the window and/or display screens)

+1 pt

57. Screencap of Free Rice proving you've donated 1000 grains of rice

+1 pt

58. Screencap of any site listed at The Nonprofits proving you've done a free donation

+1 pt

59. Your favorite meme

60. A sunflower!

+1 pt

user: seraphina_snape

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