Doctor Who: Rose and TenToo in Pete's World

Jun 28, 2014 00:23

It was unexpected really, the way the Doctor threw himself into hobbies as he settled into his new life. The life he never thought he'd have. It started with photography and a silly little camera that Jackie had given him. Rose wasn't even aware he had the device, busy in the kitchen fixing them breakfast on a lazy Saturday morning. The sound of him calling her name had her turning to face him. She was ambushed by camera and rapid clicking sound as he took picture after picture. Shyly, her head dropped to her shoulder as she let out a protest. “Come on Rose, just trying this out for a bit,” the Doctor whined. She looked at him lifting her eyebrow before turning back to the task at hand. She could still feel his eyes on her, and glanced back to see the camera aimed a little lower this time. With a smirk, she stood on her tip toes, reaching for a bowl in the highest cabinet, her purple nightgown riding up to reveal the smooth skin of her legs. Sure enough she heard the click in his throat as well as the click of the shutter. When she turned back to face him, they both forgot about the camera for a while.

She thought he'd moved past the hobby after that. They're meant to be meeting in the little park near their flat. She's spent the morning looking after Tony, while he did whatever it was he got up to without her. She's sitting on a park bench, waiting for him when she sees a familiar motion across the way. She turns her gaze towards it and realizes its the Doctor with a new camera in his hands, leaning against an iron fence. The camera is trained on her and she can only guess he's taking more photos of her. She doesn't quite duck her head this time, but she tries to at least appear disinterested.

The hobby clearly isn't going away, his cubicle in the R&D department of Torchwood is covered with photographs of her. She isn't quite sure whether its more the fact that he enjoys looking at her face or I he's noticed that some other researchers appear to enjoy the same thing, and this is his way of saying back off guys. Whether its his intention or not, the message is quite clear Rose Tyler is mine. She's just popped in for a brief visit, her fingers running over a picture of herself out on a mission over a month ago. She turns to where he's look expectantly at her, “Still liking photography yeah?” She says softly.

He nods, “Well, got the perfect subject me.”. He gives her a lopsided grin and it makes her heart flip.

“Well then, we'll just have to give you something truly worth of showing off her.” She nods decisively before pressing a kiss to his cheek and disappearing down the hall.

The next week a new picture appears in his cubicle. This one framed and sitting prominently next to his computer. She's smiling at the camera this time, sprawled out in front of a white background, her black ensemble making her stand out. The 500 quid he spent on a half hour of  studio time is easily the best money the Doctor has ever spent.

The parties were the most difficult thing for the Doctor to get used to about the transition to life in Pete's World. His connection to Pete Tyler, one of the most prominent business men and political figures in the nation meant that his presence was requested at nearly every social gathering for the upper class. It wasn't a scene he was particularly fond of, and in a show of defiance he'd shown up to his first one dressed in a suit jacket and jeans. That particular outfit had lasted approximately 2.5 seconds before a screaming Jackie Tyler made him realize that it just wasn't worth it. He's lost his taste for schmoozing people that he doesn't care about, with a limited lifespan you want to spend it with the people that really matter, and his face never lights up as much as when he finally spots Rose across the way after a few minutes without her by his side. Because if anything can make an uptight party bearable its Rose Tyler.

One thing the Doctor loves about Pete's World are the music festivals he and Rose so often invited to attend. He lets himself get completely lost in studying the bands set to appear, amassing a ridiculous number of t-shirts to wear while firmly showing off his geek hood. He usually arrives ahead of Rose, picking up the VIP passes, dropping by the promotional tents to pick up their various pieces of swag. Not even the random pictures he gets stopped for by the paparazzi can bring him down, his smile is always just a bit brighter when he's got her tucked into his side. Its a strange phone call Rose recieves from an ecstatic Doctor, she can only make out every other word as he rambles on excitedly, something about him and stage and introducing The Fleas (who are apparently this universe's form of the Beatles). She's pushing her way through the crowds, searching for the right stage, getting there just in time to find the Doctor bounding on stage. He's ridiculous, bounding around the stage, and if her smile is just a little wider when the paparazzi takes a shot of her watching him, well she can't exactly help that can she?

type: fic, type: picspam, user: dance_thrulife, fandom: doctor who

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