Dancing With the Stars AU

Jun 26, 2014 18:00

Dancing With the Stars AU - Fan edition (IE: They'd never do this LOL)

First part of FebruaryThings continued move along both at a frantic place and at a snail’s pace at times. Mackenzie had completed all her paper work and after talking with her boss at work, had all the time off she needed and wouldn’t had to quit. Mackenzie was quite surprised at this but found that her boss apparently was a closet fan of the show. Mackenzie shook her head thinking about it. As she was mentally trying to think about all that needed to be done before she left, her cell rang. Mackenzie looked at the phone and had no idea who the id was. “Hello?” “Hi Mackenzie is Zach Gardner with Dancing With the Stars” “Oh hi! How are you?” Mackenzie replied. “I’m good thanks. I was calling to let you know what the plan was as we’re only two weeks away” Mackenzie nodded, “yah I was wondering about things” “Well we’ve got the whole cast assembled. So the next step is to get you all here to L.A. and then announce the cast. We will be mailing you your plane tickets to fly down here early next week and once you’re here we’ll explain the process for the upcoming weeks. I can’t tell how excited I am for this cast and I look forward to meeting you” “Me too! I’m so excited but so nervous.” Mackenzie exclaimed “I look forward to meeting everybody and especially my partner. Any hint as to who that is?” Zach laughed, “No, but I can tell you that your partner will be meeting you at the airport!” With that Zach signed off and Mackenzie hung up the phone.

The tickets came the next day which Mackenzie wasn’t expecting. And they were for a couple of days from then! Mackenzie couldn’t believe how fast time had flown from that November day.  Mackenzie rushed around over the next couple of days to get everything packed and her apartment ready to go.

Finally the day arrived. Mackenzie was so nervous but at the same time so excited.  Mackenzie settled herself on the plane and pondered what the next couple of hours would bring. A good partner or a bad partner? Mackenzie pulled out her book and completely lost herself in her book for the next couple of hours.  All of a sudden Mackenzie is startled to find out that they are landing soon. Mackenzie watches out the window as the green landscape came rushing up around the plane. Mackenzie put her book away and prepared to get off the plane. She just couldn’t believe she was here! She deplaned and walked through the airport watching the signs for baggage claim. As she passed security, she suddenly stopped and stared. “No… It can’t be!” She thought. Then she remembered Zach’s words: “Your partner will be picking you up at the airport.”

He was holding up a sign that said “Ms. Rothem” but Mackenzie still couldn’t believe it. She walked, smiling and shaking her head. “I can’t believe it! You’re my partner? By the way I’m Mackenzie Rothem.” The man grinned...

user: wagrobanite, type: fic, fandom: dancing with the stars

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