Trick or Treat: Mini Fanfic Rec List

Oct 19, 2016 00:56

Here it is, Ladies and Gentleman, the fanfic rec list nobody asked for!

Here are a few of my favorite fanfics from various fandoms:

From K:
Nautilus by dehautdesert
Having backed the late Duke Hisui in his rebellion against the Golden Empire, and lost, the remainder of the despised Fushimi family are in dire straits: surrounded by the Empire on all sides and with neither allies, nor airships of their own left to defend them.

Fortunately, (or unfortunately depending on your perspective,) the Lady Kisa still has some cards to play with.

(The Steampunk/Omegaverse/Civil War/Arranged Marriage AU that precisely no one was asking for!)

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea also by dehautdesert
In which Mikoto is an angel on Earth; Izumo, Totsuka and Anna are his Nephilim followers, Misaki and the rest of HOMRA are semi-amateur warlocks and Saruhiko is completely fucked.

Munakata? Well, he's something else entirely.

Both of dehautdesert's fics are WIPs but they are the best damn thing out there and she updates them fairly reguarly. Seriously, even if you never heard of K but are a fan of Steampunk and/or ABO's (and even if you aren't) you'll enjoy Nautilus, fandom aside it is an amazing fic in it's own right.

from Merlin:
Rheged by McShame
Post S5 (AU); canon to the end of S4 & part of the way through S5. Gwen and Arthur have been married for several years, Merlin's magic has been revealed and Arthur has now reached a kind of cold peace with it. Then a delegation arrives from a kingdom based on magic, and suddenly Destiny is starkly and ruthlessly to the fore. The question is should - can - it be avoided?

All the Dead Are Here by Footloose
There's not much outside Arthur's purview -- eventually, all creatures fall to the Reaper's scythe. It's never personal. It's just his job.

That was true until Arthur ran into the only death he's ever regretted reaping -- Merlin, who is inexplicably alive and well.

But that's not all. There are monsters that exist outside of life and death, and they're spreading like vermin in the city of London. The balance is in jeopardy, and Merlin may be the only one who can help him restore order in the chaos.

Footloose is one of the best writers of fanfiction in any fandom there is. She really ought to be making her living at writing because she's better than about 85% of the paid authors out there.

From Fate/Stay Night (Visual Novel):
Nine Ways Archer's Plans Went Horribly Wrong by MiniNephthys
Archer never, ever succeeds. Never. September 2008.

Simply one of the funniest short fics I ever read. Seriously, I can read it again and again and laugh my butt off every time. Requires some knowledge of the VN to understand all the humor though so it's definitely a fan-rec!

type: recs, user: adsullatta

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