Joker's Challenge

Oct 11, 2016 23:09

Graphics & drabble for gameofcards Joker's Challenge

1 large graphic:

2 sigtags:

2 icons:

I did all 4 cuz I just couldn't pick 2!

4 HQ Screencaps from Penny Dreadful


Drabble for the prompt "play the game"
Title: Winning the Game
Fandom: K
Characters/Pairing(s): Fushimi/Yata
Rating: G
Warnings: A lil cussing
Word Count: 216

[Winning the Game]
"So, we gotta play the game to get outta here," Fushimi said grimly, a statement, not a question.

"This is sick!" Misaki proclaimed at the top of his lungs. He was red as a tomato and already it was clear he was working himself up to a spitting rage. Which was totally in character for the diminutive redhead.

Saruhiko clicked his tongue and jerked his head to the side, muttering under his breath. Slipping his fingers under the edge of his glasses, he pinched the bridge of his nose hoping to stave off the headache he could feel building behind his eyes.

"What did you say, you shitty monkey?"

"Shut up. stupid Misaki. It's your fault we're in here in the first place."

"You're the one who ran in here!"

"And you're the one who slammed the door behind us, trapping us in here and plunging us right into this mess."

"I wouldn't even be down here if it weren't for you stupid Blues! Turning around to continue his tirade, he came to a halt at the sight of Fushimi slipping off his coat.

"Wait, what are you doing?" he yelped.

Saruhiko clicked his tongue again before yanking Misaki close enough to kiss.

"I'm winning this game," he declared, sealing Misaki's mouth shut with his own.

fandom: penny dreadful, user: adsullatta, fandom: (other) tv

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