Other Lives challenge

Mar 07, 2016 20:12

Author's Note: I may have taken too may meds when I wrote this. It's possible I may not have taken enough.

[the fic]
Leslie shuffled into the open area of the Parks and Recreation office, a squeaking sound accompanying every step. “Time for an office meeting!” She pulled at the tight leather dress bunched around her midsection causing a loud screeching noise.

“Where are we supposed to meet?” Donna asked. “All we have are these wall work stations. Why don’t we have any chairs?”

“I don’t know. Ron was supposed to request those.”

“There are no offices for you and Ron either. He can’t be happy about that.”

“Yeah, he was supposed to requisition couple of offices, too.”

Tom joined the conversation. “Has he been back since the incident?”

“No,” Leslie said. “He still refuses to obey the new government dress code.” Leslie pulled at her dress again with a grimace. “Okay, well, it’s still time for a staff meeting. I heard there’s a conference room we can use. It’s down in the aft section of the ship.”

“The aft section!” Tom yelled, “that’s on the other side of the ship.”

“I’ve heard it’s not that far.”

“I can’t walk all that way. I’ll crease my new leather pants.”

Leslie sighed at Tom’s whining tone. “Fine, I’ll call for a hover car to come pick us up.” She pressed the panel and punched in the sequence to call for the hover car. “Where are April and Andy?”

“On their way. They got stuck at the gun range. She said she was having a problem dragging Andy away.” When the panel beeped angrily for the third time, Donna stepped over to the panel to take over. A few key swipes later, the panel beeped happily.

“You know, Donna, the government dress code only states we need to wear leather outfits. It does not stipulate that they need to be that… short,” she said pointing toward to wear the fringe started on Donna’s dress.

“Oh, I know,” Donna said smugly, “but I am rocking in this dress. I had to wear it.”

“You know it, girl,” Tom said. The two of them tapped fists together.


“What the hell is this?” Tom shouted.

“I… I don’t know.” Leslie looked around. “Wait, let me check with the hover car.”

“It already left,” Donna said. “I think you can check on that panel over there.”

Leslie clicked on the panel. “Okay, this says that we are in the grand conference room.”

“How is this a conference room? It’s just three benches with a tiny table in the middle.” Tom walked around the benches. “They’re so small!”

Donna sat down. “I like it. It’s comfy.”

“We can’t have a meeting here!”

Leslie held her hands up. “Just give me a minute to think about this.”

A hover car drove in. Andy and April stepped out of the car and it drove away.

“Andy is that a gun on your hip?” Leslie asked in a horrified voice.

“Or are you just happy to see me?” Donna asked saucily.

“Yeah! They just gave it to me. For free. And they gave me free bullets, too.” He took out a handful of loose bullets from his pocket to show everyone.

“You can’t bring a gun to work!” Leslie said.

“Yes, you can,” April said. “Andy read a memo for the first time in his life. Apparently the new government rules say we can carry firearms. All the time.”



“Leslie, did you not read the most recent round of memos?” Donna asked. As far as she knew, that had never happened before.

(more to come...)

I may have gotten the idea for the fic and then started looking at images for inspiration. I may have decided to make graphics to go with the fic. I may have spent more time working on the graphics than I did on the fic. Maybe. Possibly.


type: fic, user: queen_bartonia, fandom: parks and recreation, type: other graphics

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