My Zodiac Team - F*ck Society!

Feb 20, 2016 23:42

There isn't really that much of a team here, as in leaders and such, just a common goal of wanting nothing to do with society. Founded in a way by Rose Henderson and Rosa Cisneros (Solis and Luna - the Sun and the Moon), who found themselves on the island that healed them from their cancer and then decided to stay there and stay out of the children's business of war and killing each other.
In time, more and more people who wanted out of society came to the island, starting with Toph Beifong, who already lived secluded in her swamp and was quite happy building herself a little hut on the island and staying there, and now the group is already quite big.

In the descriptions below I went with the general idea of the animal or being the specific zodiac sign represents, not with the traits associated with each star sign.

Solis (Rose Henderson)
The original F*ck Society'er, Rose emits rays of sunlight wherever she goes, her only goal being happiness and freedom for herself. Having met Rosa in the hospital, she decided to spring her from prison and together they went to Australia to a miracle healer. On the way back because the healer did not help and they both wanted to spend their remaining time in the US, their plane crashed on the island. Realizing that the island healed them both, Rose and Rosa decided to stay and let society go f*ck itself.

Luna (Rosa Cisneros)
Rosa never gave a f*ck about society. Being free and doing what she wanted to do was always her highest goal. When she met Rose, they realized quickly that they both shared this goal. On the island, Rosa now is recognized by everyone who also came to the island because they shared that goal as Luna, the moon.

Aries (Toph Beifong)
Toph came to the island after having lived in her swamp for a few years and still being bothered by the children and their pointless wars. She now lives happily on the island and protects the F*ck Society team from anyone who wants to take them back into society. Her earth- and metalbending and her general attitude makes her the Aries.

Sagittarius (Siobhan Sadler)
Siobhan's main goal has always been to protect those who stand outside of society. She was never interested in being in society herself and her skills as a shooter and a planner makes her a perfect protector of the island together with Toph and Octavia. While her preferred weapon is the rifle, she is also good with bow and arrow, making her Sagittarius, the Archer.

Aquarius (Bronagh)
Bronagh came to the island after leaving her family behind to be free. She can still change from her Selkie form into her human form but most of her time is spent in the ocean, where she helps provide food for the team and enjoys her freedom and the games with other seals. She is Aquarius.

Libra (Kathryn Janeway)
Always able to see both sides of the story, Janeway's main goal is still being free and happy. She is the one who balances everything out and provides an open ear and good solutions to anyone coming to her with problems (which doesn't happen much on the island but whenever something unusual happens, Janeway is there to provide help). She is the Libra.

Capricorn (Octavia Blake)
Being fed up with everyone's powerplays, Octavia finally said "f*ck it all" and went away, finding the island and with that a place where she can finally find herself and do what she actually wants to do. Her skills with the sword make her another protector of the island and her general attitude towards everyone make her the Capricorn.

Scorpio (Seven)
After her experiences with the Borg and with Starfleet (with the exception of Janeway), Seven is more than ready to leave society behind and move to the island. The same as Octavia, she is now rediscovering herself and what she herself wants to do. As such, she is not per se part of the protectors of the island but as Scorpio, her sting is still to be reckoned with.

Taurus (Big Boo)
Never even having considered playing by society's rules in her entire life, Boo is happy that now she finally found a place where she can be truly herself and say "f*ck you" to everyone who wants her to be someone she is not. Closest to Sun, she spends most of her days doing her thing in comfortable silence, looking intimidating as a Taurus and having the ability to squash people who attack her, but never caring about people who just leave her in peace.

Cancer (Sun Bak)
Having tried her whole life to fit into society and always only being abused more, Sun finally decides to leave it all behind and go to the island. Here, she can do what she wants to do. She also always is there when the call to protect the team comes, but as a Cancer, she is content with now being able to retreat backwards, to leave everything she thought she knew behind.

Leo (Suzanne)
Like a lioness, Suzanne is very chill but will bite your head off when threatened, which makes her the Leo of the team. She is very fast to go from calm to attack mode in a very short time. But she also fast calms down again afterwards. She came to the island to finally be able to be who she is and do what she wants to do and in Helena she found someone who actually understands her.

Gemini (Helena)
Helena and Suzanne found each other immediately after arriving on the island. Understanding each other better than anyone else, they spend most of their time together, playing around, eating and talking. As a Gemini, Helena rejoices in having found a twin in mind who understands her far better than Sarah ever did. And who shares her opinion about anyone threatening babies.

Virgo (Kira)
As someone who never actually had to fit into society in the first place, the decision to leave it behind was very easy for Kira, who is the Virgo of the team. Having had a lot of adventures already and having been in danger far too often, she is happy to leave it all behind and live on the island.

Pisces (Kaylee)
True to being a Pisces, Kaylee always swam against the stream. Her optimism and her ability to build innovative machines out of every material she finds are traits that kept her happy no matter how much society tried to wear her down but she is definitely just as happy saying "f*ck it" to all of that and to come to the island.

user: jacquelee, fandom: orphan black, fandom: lost, fandom: orange is the new black, fandom: the 100, fandom: star trek: voyager, fandom: firefly

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