Zodiac: Smash the Patriarchy Squad

Feb 15, 2016 00:24

Fiona Goode, Regina Mills, Bo Dennis

Sharon Raydor, Emily Prentiss, Brenda Leigh Johnson

Ellie Sattler, Lana Winters, Miranda Priestly

Dana Scully, Root, Catherine Willows *

*I know that there are some that would fit other categories as well.

Bo Dennis
Lost Girl
Brenda Leigh Johnson
The Closer
Lana Winters
AHS: Asylum

Aries | Brave, Independent, Assertive, Impulsive, Hates to be Restricted
Taurus | Good Taste, Sensual, Down to Earth, Pleasure-Seeking, Stubborn
Gemini | Dynamic, Many Talents, Likes Games, Two-Faced, Mischievous

Bo is fearless and will not back down from a challenge. She's fiercely independent, as evidenced by the fact that she refused to pick Light or Dark fae. She has an arsenal of supernatural skills but she doesn't take innocent life. She can charm and suck the life out of someone or use any other type of weapon. In the "Supernatural Muscle Squad" she's the voice of reason. She's the only one who's good and has always been good. She helps bring a bit of reason and logic to the others, whose magic and power often go to their heads.
Brenda is very stubborn, gets very put out when someone tries to tell her to do anything. She's down to earth, her color palette in her home is neutrals and earthy colors. She's pleasure seeking when it comes to food, which is obviously just based on the orgasmic look she gets when she puts a piece of chocolate in her mouth. She's also very sensual and uses her femininity unabashedly. Her skill is that she's a good shot and she is concerned with justice and people getting what they have coming to them. What she specifically brings to the "good with guns" squad is that she is the quickest to take the shot.
Lana Winters is dynamic with many talents, pursuing her journalism career in the 50s when it was harder for women, she has to be particularly cunning and adaptable. She's two-faced only in the sense that she let the fame go to her head a bit and "forgot where she came from." She's in the strategist squad because she's good at arranging pieces to get the desired outcome. She figured out how to sneak into the asylum (not her best decision ever? BUT she achieved her GOAL!) She trapped Thredsen in the asylum, she got out of the asylum, she took down Thredsen, she got Briarcliff shut down, and she took down Bloody Face 2.0 as well. You want a good plan and living through it is non-negotiable? You talk to Lana Winters!

Dana Scully
Catherine Willows
Ellie Sattler
Jurassic Park

Cancer | Sensitive, Friend-Oriented, Practical, Hates to Argue, Forgives but doesn't Forget
Leo | Creative, Popular, Faithful, Dominating, Too Much Pride
Virgo | Successful, Creative, Likes to Please, Clever, Can Lead Others

Dana Scully is super practical. I don't know if she hates to argue, but she knows when she's right and she doesn't want to argue with people who are wrong. She's loyal to friends - yes, particularly Mulder. She can be sensitive in the respect that she is sensitive to the meanings and importance of the things she does. We see this in her questioning after her father died, after Queequeg died, the events of Never Again. She questions what she's doing and takes a step back to understand if it's meaningful to her, if it's important, if it's where her time should go to. Like, the fact that she switched to being a fulltime doctor prior to I Want to Believe. Her skill in the special skill squad is medical knowledge and skill and long monologues about skepticism and existentialism. She's the most practical, she is the one who reminds everyone of Occam's Razor. She does not suffer chauvinists lightly.
Catherine Willows is popular, she has a lot of friends and boyfriends. She's creative, she improvises well. She can be dominating, when she knows/thinks she's right she can be very forceful about it. She also can have too much pride sometimes like when her crime scene camera gets stolen and she tries to get it back instead of telling anyone about it. Her special skills are scientific collection, improvising, being generally badass (evidenced by using a curling iron to cauterize her wound after she got shot!) Not to mention, her voluminous blonde mane bares more than a passing resemblance to a lion's mane. She's a bit of a hothead sometimes, which traces back to her pride. She's also a protective lioness.
Ellie Sattler is successful, she's an accomplished paleobotanist, she's excellent in survival situations, she's quick on her feet, and she's assertive! She's incredibly brave and ambitious, she doesn't balk at taking chances to accomplish goals. Like Scully, she's outspoken about it when she encounters sexism. After all, women shall inherit the earth! In the stategists group, she's the practical one who can take Lana's elaborateness and Miranda's decadentness and turn it into a real actual workable plan.

Fiona Goode
AHS: Coven
Sharon Raydor
Major Crimes
Person of Interest

Libra | Irresistible, Adventurous, Lavish, Indecisive, Complicated Love Life
Scorpio | Self-Reliant, Powerful, Wise, Dominant, Secretive
Sagittarius | Open-Minded, Achiever, Loving, Insensitive, Cold

Fiona is a fucking powerhouse. She is the Supreme, after all. She's lavish and enjoys the fine things in life, doesn't like to be tied down. She's irresistible because she's powerful and she's gorgeous. She's adventurous, nothing and no one ties her down. Not to mention her complicated love life... not least of which is with The Axeman <3 Fiona strikes first and asks questions NEVER. If you need something done and don't want any pesky morals getting in the way, you call Fiona Goode. An important distinction is that she's amoral, not immoral. She has her moments of sentimentality but they are quickly squashed and repressed. She has a whole arsenal of supernatural talents: mind control, pyrokinesis, divination, transmutation, and she's amazing with a sword as well!
Sharon is very self-reliant, having an irresponsible, absentee husband taught her to take care of herself and everyone else too. She's powerful, she speaks in that soft, clear, authoritative voice that sends shivers of fear through wrongdoers. She's dominant; she takes what's hers and leads her squad cohesively but makes no qualms about reminding that she is the boss. What she brings to the good with guns squad is marksmanship. She can hit her target without fail. She is very reasonable and practical and can be the voice of reason also.
Root is fierce. She's a sociopath and a bit of a loose canon. She's cold in her dealings and doesn't worry about other people's problems (other than Shaw's <3). She sets out to get something done and she gets it done, no matter how many bodies she leaves behind her. She's open minded because she LITERALLY has a computer that talks to her through her mind. She is amazing with a gun - or any other weapon, like knives or irons. But obviously the most unique thing she brings to the group is her hacking and her interconnectedness with the machine.

Emily Prentiss
Criminal Minds
Miranda Priestly
Devil Wears Prada
Regina Mills
Once Upon a Time

Capricorn | Hardworking, Straightforward, Loyal, Stubborn, Uncontent until at the Top
Aquarius | Sets Trends, Innovative, Admired, Desired, Eccentric
Pisces | Alluring, Free, Sensual, Sensitive, Can't Function Alone

Emily Prentiss epitomizes hardwork, stubbornness, loyalty and straightforwardness. Emily worked hard to prove herself and that she wasn't just using her mother's position to get opportunities. She will fight to the death for the people on her team/that she loves. She's incredibly stubborn, which keeps her alive. She's highly trained and skilled. In the "good with guns" squad she brings not only her Interpol skills but also her experience from the behavioral analysis unit to understand the movements of the enemy.
Miranda Priestly is, obviously, a trendsetter, she literally chooses the fashion to showcase and promote, thus, setting trends. She's innovative in her ideas, evidenced by the fact that she holds her position in Runway for so long. She's admired, just ask the hoard of adoring clackers, plus "everyone wants to be us." She's also eccentric because she's left largely unchecked, so she's basically free to ask for whatever she wants and makes people indulge her whims. In the strategists she's good at working with moving pieces and also has the money and influence to fund and get away with basically anything.
Regina Mills basically is who she is because she has a yearning to be free. First, she longs to be free from her mother, who promptly kills the man she loves and marries her off to the king. Then she wants to be free from the king, to whom she was non-consentually married to, and plots his death eventually. All of the aforementioned events hardened her heart because she's very sensitive and in order to survive in these impossible situations, she had to shut herself off emotionally. She doesn't like to be alone; she longed for a child and she longs for acceptance. She's also very sensual and alluring, often using her wiles to her advantage. In the supernatural muscle squad she's the moral middle ground between Fiona and Bo and creates cohesion within their subgroup.

user: madampresident

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