[Commentlog] Twelve Hours In (Open)

Jun 20, 2011 14:28

[It's been twelve hours of slipping in and out of consciousness, his back alternating between numb and burning at regular intervals. He's blacked out a few times, but the searing at his wrists and neck would bring him 'round rather quickly.

No matter how he moved he hurt and any shift brought agony searing through his back once again and broke open the scabbed wounds time and time again. There would be no real sleep while he remained in the stocks, and the delirium would kick in soon enough.

At least there was no infection for the time being. No, they'd made certain to sterilize his back after the lashings had ended with a wash of salt water. He'd thought it had already been as painful as it could have been, back hanging open in strips of massacred meat; but no, they'd found yet another way to bring pain and it had been excruciating.

Sollux had been freed a short while ago, but he still had a minimum of twelve hours to go; if they didn't choose to keep him here longer. He vaguely recalled several coming to see him, to offer him care, but it was foggy and distant. He couldn't even remember if he'd eaten or had anything to drink of late ..

His knees have been locked for hours and it's with an abrupt cry of pain that they finally give out and he falls to his knees, pulling and twisting his back in a manner that blacks him out for a span of a few minutes. When he comes to, dry heaving and sobbing, he doesn't have the strength to get back to his feet again and just kneels there. His skin crawls as flies appear and walk over the torn flesh of his back, buzzing around his neck and wrists and his blood soaked hair and clothes, but he's unable to do anything about them.

All he can do is wait ..]

((OOC: Feel free to bother Alex at your leisure in any way you'd like!! Food, healing, torment .. poking his wounds .. whatevs! :D))

@malkus, !punishment, @nepeta, @alex, @kevas, !event, @joe, @bryn, @anders

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