INFO: Ceollo Constans

Dec 13, 2008 18:09

[images coming soon]

Name: Ceollo Orrsn Constans-Corva (*pronounced ohr(oh)son)
Birthdate: Nov 01
Age: 17 during the qaastvs timeline, 21 during the Lamb Child timeline
Birthplace: Weston City, Weston, Pielago region
Current Residence: Haldn-North, Orgest, Pielago region
Height: 170 cm/5 ft 8 in
Hair/Eye color: Reddish-brown, dyed (alternately) blue, green and pink; grey-green
Skintone: Fair

Father: Janssen Orrsn Corva
Mother: Arlene Constans
Brother: Brau Orssn Constans-Corva
Lucien Arnssn* Corva, uncle (*pronounced arr(roh)n-sohn)
Cielo Arnssn Zarela-Corva, Lucien's 1st born
Allen Orrsn Corva, uncle (deceased)
Amie Orrsn-Dogen, Allen's 1st born

Family Tree
The Corva family is split into two interdependent entities: the Arnssn designation, which leads the family, and the Orrsn designation, which protects the family. The Arnssn name-bearer is chosen when the family head - or in the absence of the family head, the eldest of the Orrsn lines - deems a child of age and most capable of leading the family, and is usually given to the eldest child, regardless of gender. The rest of the generation then bears the Orrsn name. Very rarely is the Arnssn designation given outside the immediate family of the Arnssn bearer; it can be considered that the Arnssn line is the family's male line, while the Orrsn is its offspring. This family tradition began 40 generations ago with Agvriel Arnssn and Hvrie Orrsn, two brothers from the Gdn-Orbakf province, now known as the present-day Weston. The family line is native to the region, and is one of the oldest families in Pielago.

The Corva family is a well-known family that is, in their own words, "involved in a highly lucrative industry that may prove dangerous to ecomonic and social stability if forced into legal mainstream worklines". That is to say, the Corva family is highly-organized, highly-trained and notoriously exclusive family that freelances in various underground services, and is consistently able to recruit employs who are loyal and subservient to death. They have a longstanding truce with Eastline Court to never involve in political or legal endeavors or issues, and in turn are not prosecuted nor questioned for their financial and criminal endeavors. It is of note that Eastline Court was established by Narha Eastline, who masterminded the murder of Agvriel Arnssn (and was eventually killed by Hvrie Orrsn) at Crow's Beak, Gdn-Orbakf, which is also the location of the Corva family estate.

Ceollo is the eldest of two siblings, and is the eldest of the male line's Orrsn family. His mother Arlene was a soux chef at a restaurant his father frequented, and the two had married after eight years of courtship, giving birth to Ceollo two years later. Ceollo grew up unwilling to compete, after figuring it to be reason his other uncle, Lucien, was killed for, and seeing it destroy his youngest ucle, Allen, both leaving behind their own children to live alone. Heavily affected by his father's depression over the consecutive deaths of his younger siblings - Janssen was the eldest of three - Ceollo took it upon himself to protect his two cousins, Cielo and Amie, and his younger brother Brau, but often fails due to his clumsiness and reluctance to participate in fistfights. Eventually Ceollo was considered a softie, and was pushed further out of the family's issues, something that lessened his confidence and made him feel less useful to those those around him.

After a theft from the family vaults of a valuable collection piece that belonged to Cielo's father, ostensibly to her, Ceollo watched as his family finally became entangled with Eastline Court, the most "buttfucking pain in the ass government system in this region", as his father had put it, Ceollo became Cielo's accomplice in tracking down the thief, along with Cielo's personal doctor, Dr. Ludwig Gregory Beetle, and a family employ, arashi-XI (for the sake of names, they just call him Arashi), a member of the retrieval group qaastvs. It is during the search that Ceollo meets Vasilis Siszka, a transporter based in Orgest, during a transport switch attempt, and eventually develops a friendship with the man, learning his latent abilities in the process, and ultimately proving himself to be of the Corva bloodline.

[coming soon]


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