Stealing Time: a time-travel futuristic romance
"Starring" Ewan McGregor, Rachel Weisz, Naveen Andrews, Michaela Conlin, and Hannah Spearritt
Rohan is teaching in a run-down classroom, two decades after a comet wiped out most of Veyrdel's population, when a woman attacks. She's part of the ruling class, the carnivorous Niveti, and her starvation has finally led her to hunt his kind. During the fight, he sees the necklace that signifies her rank-- it's Turquoise, the color of Royalty. The Princess is killed, but not before she murders most of his students and leaves the remaining ones grieving and shattered. Desperate, Rohan goes to the one thing that might be able to help-- the time-shifter his father built. It's never been tested, and Rohan's always been too afraid to be the one to step inside, until now. But a miscalculation results in him not going back an hour or so, but over twenty years back. Certain that he can stop the comet from taking such a huge toll this time, he goes to the palace to convince the King of his tale.
Nayara is the one there when Rohan makes an unexpected arrival far into the past. Trapped in an abusive marriage, she lost her will to fight years ago. When she and her husband are assigned to Rohan's mission to find a new world, she believes that she's once again made a huge mistake: that helping Rohan drew the King's attention to her, and now she and Jeryl have been sent on a suicide mission. She expects the remainder of her life to remain the same, just in more cramped quarters now. But some of her shipmates have other ideas.
Xavierre took on a job as a Guard as a favor to his best friend. While something like that works out in a small, nonviolent village, being assigned the same post on a spaceship where everybody hates everybody else and there's a murderer lurking somewhere on board doesn't go so well. He does the best he can, but truth is he'd rather be in Temple or flirting with his longtime friend, Maia. Matters are complicated when he finds out what Nayara's home situation is, and insists on getting her out of her husband's room and into his, where she'll be safe with him and Maia watching out for her. The instinctive reaction doesn't go over well with most people on the ship, who already didn't like him, and rumors start flying.
Alataea is the only child of the King, but she's not next in line to the throne. Her father has assured her time and again that she doesn't want to worry about all that responsibility, that she wouldn't be that good at it anyway, and so the child she eventually bears will rule instead. She hasn't even been taught how to read. Frustrated with the way her life is arranged, she tries to learn to read on her own and talks with Maia about the newspaper clippings the other woman sneaks in. Then Rohan comes to the palace, with talk about an impending disaster and the need to find a new home, and she knows everything's about to change.
Maia is first and foremost devoted to her cause. She works at the palace, and keeps close to Alataea partly because she considers the other woman to be like a sister, and partly because she wants to gain the Princess's sympathy when it comes to radical causes. She sees Alataea's father pass laws that forbid Niveti and Bihlan from being taught in the same classroom, laws that make the Bihlans' multiple marriages illegal, and she knows that-- short of assassinating the King-- the main hope they have is making sure Alataea doesn't believe the same things. Maia's used to taking risks, but when she's found out and sent along on Rohan's mission, she finds herself dealing with a much more immediate life-or-death situation.