
Jun 16, 2011 08:41

Did a mini-overhaul of my website-- not in appearance, but in content on the main page. I added some more projects to the novels/short stories list, and added release dates for each one! ((well, almost each one. There are a couple, like the Greek Pantheon series, where I have about 200 pages of notes but haven't started on the books themselves yet))

But anyway, now there are links up in the Available To Buy section for my free short stories on Smashwords as well as the Kindle novels. :-)

In other "yay" news, yesterday we got our third sale at the Etsy shop! Added several new items recently, including more photographs and a tiny polymer clay treasure chest. Would love it if you checked it out!

This entry was originally posted at http://changeyourstars8.dreamwidth.org/348428.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

etsy, website, writing

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