Fic: No More Farewells

Jan 28, 2016 10:20

Title: No More Farewells
Author: littleotter73
Fandom: BtVS
Characters: Buffy/Giles
Rating: FRT
Summary: The fifth story in the Salutations Series. Takes place a little over a week after Buffy left for California. Buffy and Giles are each sent to Paris on separate matters for their jobs. Despite the difficulties between them, Buffy reaches out to Giles and he asks her to accompany him to the conference he is speaking at. The situation is delicate and Giles is determined to convince Buffy of his sincerity.
Beta: Thanks to the amazing il_mio_capitano for her encouragement and incredible beta skillz!
Disclaimer: Just for fun, not profit.

No More Farewells

Previous Stories here (in order):

All We Ever Do Is Say Goodbye
Until We Next Meet
When You Are Ready to Say Hello
Tell Me Upon Your Return


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