Title: Where Do We Go From Here?
littleotter73Rating: FRT for this chapter, FRM overall
Pairing: Buffy/Giles
Summary: Overall - Now that the Hellmouth's closed, what's next? This chapter: A month has past and Buffy and Giles have grown as a couple. Giles has business to attend to at Hawkingridge with Daniel McTavish and Xander, while Buffy has a strange encounter in town.
Setting: Post Chosen, no comics.
catchoo152Disclaimer: I own nothing in the Buffyverse and make no profit from playing in Joss' sandbox.
A/N: Sorry for the super long hiatus. This is a long chapter and I hope that makes up for it.
This chapter is so long, it had to be broken up into two parts.
Chapter 43: Errands Part 1 Chapter 43: Errands Part 2 And if you are new to the story or want to refresh, here is the link to
Chapter 1.