Jan 09, 2011 01:35

Character: Vriska Serket
Series: Homestuck
Age: Six Alternian Solar Sweeps / 13 human years
Canon: Homestuck is a webcomic about a 13 year old boy and his friends fighting to prevent the end of the world from happening. To do so, they have to play the computer game SBURB. Over the course of their adventures, they receive more or less helpful information and a lot of meta from the creators of their universe: Trolls who contact them from the past and future and who have already played the game. These trolls are a humanoid species from the planet Alternia and their unique society comes with monsters for guardians, attitude problems and complicated relationship types. However, most young trolls spend their time similarly to young humans - in roleplay games and chats. Vriska is one of these trolls.

Vriska grew up having to kill fellow trolls to feed them to her spidermonster mom; a surefire way to develop some mental issues. Thus, Vriska came to enjoy the process of luring her victims, which she did during extreme roleplaying games. Vriska is manipulative and easily bored. An expert roleplayer even in her day-to-day life, she keeps busy by making shady deals and having as many irons in the fire as possible. She's insulting and superior and often does horrible things to her so-called 'boring' friends in order to amuse herself. These days Vriska no longer has to sustain her guardian and has even agreed to a truce with the other trolls, but it hasn't changed her for the better. On occasion she makes an effort not to be as terrible to people, with little success. It never occurs to Vriska that her actions are the reason everyone avoids her.

Most communication in Homestuck takes places on online instant messengers. As the spider-themed troll, Vriska's typing revolves around the number 8, to the point where she even gives her emoticons eight eyes. Her online handle is arachnidsGrip and her st8ments tend to 8e just a little 8it overdramaaaaaaaatic.


--arachnidsGrip [AG] began trolling cfudGroaner [CG] -
AG: Psssssssst.
AG: Hey, you.
AG: 8rave leader of the undead.
AG: So you think that you can beat the end 8oss of this game and t8ke all her loot.
AG: Don't make me laugh!
AG: I've 8een watching your ridiculous 8lundering for a while now, 8ut it's gotten harder and harder to stay out of it.
AG: You've w8sted enough time.
AG: Shit has hit the air-8lowing thermantidote.
AG: It's 8een just hilarious to watch you flail hard enough to lose one or the other lim8, 8ut I've got to help you out sooner or l8ter.
AG: You should 8e gr8ful to have the 8est roleplaying partner at your disposal!
AG: 8efore anything else, set up your character.
AG: In this case, that's going to 8e yourself.
AG: Don't 8e such a rotting wuss! That's nothing dangerous to do.
AG: You have me, after all.
AG: After that, you pick an outfit and your strife speci8us. That's a weapon, in your cruddy simplified Earth human terms.
AG: What will it 8e? A 8lack suit and shuriken - oh, no way, Camp is already full of those stealth clowns.
AG: Look, I'm really happy you like ninjas and I'd let you finish, 8ut -
AG: Pirates are the 8est roleplaying characters of all time.
AG: Of aaaaaaaall time!
AG: That's your cue to laugh.
AG: It's one of your silly Earth human memes.
AG: You can roll your eyes all you want, I know for a fact that your 8ad jokes are a prerequisite to winning this game.
AG: How does that superior sense of humor m8ke you feel? To 8e quite honest, it looks kind of painful.
AG: Are you in paaaaaaaain, CG?
AG: I could've told you your eyes would get stuck like this.
AG: Life as a 8lind loser must really 8e the hardest. Your self-pity is sickening.
AG: The way you and your team have spent the entire session 8awling and 8emoaning yourselves like a chorale of pathetic wigglers.
AG: 8oo hoooooooo. Clearly this is all Vriska's fault. First we waste our time squa88ling among ourselves over the last 8ite of prefrontal neocortex and then get all tangled up in her we8 so she eggs us on further and fucks our plans over! Poooooooor us. We just can't catch a 8r8k.
AG: Wrong.
AG: I'm only doing my 8est to help here, 8elieve it or not.
AG: Now that we have that important lesson out of the way, gra8 a weapon already.
AG: Any weapon.
AG: Or water-8ased ointment. Why?
AG: Don't ask, trust! I've got this.
AG: Anyway, it will come in handy.
AG: And you could use a hand, couldn't you?
AG: No, not mine. I won't hold yours and 8a8y you all day long.
AG: 8e a 8ig 8oy already, CG.
AG: You'll 8e heading str8 for the silo, do you hear me?
AG: No 8oring intermissions or thriller dances to woo the eight-armed lady.
AG: She will 8e the most powerful adversary you have ever met.
AG: Put up a good fight!
AG: I'm sure she'll 8e more than pleased to retali8.
AG: You moan all you want now, 8ut you'll 8e thanking me one day.
AG: :::;)
-- arachnidsGrip [AG] ceased trolling cfudGroaner [CG] --

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