Jan 01, 2005 20:07
W O U L D Y O U R A T H E R . . .
1) pierce your nose or tongue?: probably nose but my mom would kill me if i did either...
2) be serious or be funny?: probably be funny, people already laugh at pretty much everything i say
3) drink whole or skim milk?: not a fan of milk to begin with so i don't really care
A R E Y O U . . .
4) simple or complicated?: couldn't tell you, ask the people i hang out with
D O Y O U P R E F E R . . .
5) flowers or angels?: how is that even a comparison...
6) grey or gray?: none of the above?
7) color or black-and-white photos?: color, thank you very much!
8) lust or love?: lust is a pain in the ass and i'll tell you about love when i get there...
9) sunrise or sunset?: both are pretty nice...
10) M&Ms or Skittles?: skittles, at least they all taste different
11) rap or rock?: rock all the way, who needs rap!
12) staying up late or waking up early?: staying up late, and i'm no stranger to that
13) TV or radio?: TV has become aweful lately and radio was never really good
15) eating apples or oranges?: probably apples
A N S W E R T R U T H F U L L Y . . .
16) Do you have a crush?: yeah, there's no real secret to that
17) Who is it?: oh he knows, we don't need to state the obvious...coughMarkcough...sorry about that
D O Y O U P R E F E R . . .
18) being hot or cold?: both are pretty aweful
19)tall or short people?: i guess tall, well taller than me is ok but i'm sure that's not too difficult to achieve
20) sun or moon?: ummm, either?
21) emeralds or rubies?: i'll go with emeralds just cuz green is a prettier color
22) left or right?: in what sense? what kinda question is this...
23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend: if that 1 friend is anything like the "friends" i used to have, i'll take the 10 acquaintances any day
24) sun or rain?: i hate the rain!
25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream?: preferably vanilla
27) green beans or carrots?: carrots, but does it really matter...
28) low fat or fat free?: what? what are you trying to get at...
M I S C E L L A N E O U S . . .
29) What is your biggest fear in the world?: who knows...
30) Kids or no kids?: what about it? kids are annoying
31) Cat or dog?: ewwww, down with cats! dogs all the way!
32) Half empty or half full?: half empty, nothing good can ever come out of that...
33) Mustard or ketchup?: not a fan of either
34) Hard cover books or soft cover books?: hard cover all the way, that way you can throw them and nothing will happen!:D
35) Newspaper or magazine?: magazines all the way!...yay!
36) Sandals or sneakers?: Sneakers, yay! that's like all i have
37) Wonder or amazement?: what? who cares?
38) Red car or white car?: matters what car, some just look ugly in those colors
39) Happy and poor or sad and rich?: happy and poor :D. i wish i was happy, well this sucks!
40) Singing or dancing?: wouldn't do either in public but if i had to pick i'd go with singing
41) Hugging or kissing?: not a fan of either. my life is sad and pathetic.
42) Corduroy or plain?: couldn't care less
43) Happy or sad?: happy...lets look back at that "happy/poor or sad/rich" question...
45) Blondes, brunettes?: brunettes all the way, they're so cute ;)!...some blondes are ok though
A B O U T Y O U . . .
What time is it?: 8:21 pm...but that's not really about me
Nicknames: Lena?
Names of siblings and age?: Dima, 18
birthdate?: March 8th...yay!:)
Pets?: i love my dog, Brit!
Height?: 5'4"-ish
Eye color?: brown
Hair color?: brown
Piercing(s): just my ears, nothing too exciting
W H A T D O Y O U W A N T . . .
Where do you want to live?: no idea, i'll figure it out when the time comes
How many kids do you want?: not even gonna go there...
What kind of job do you want?: i wanna be the best f-ing manager in the music business...haha, that's a wonderful ambition
Do you want to get married?: eventually
W H I C H I S B E T T E R . . .
2 doors or 4 (on a car)?: 4, that way you don't have to worry about getting out of the car to let others out...hehe
Coffee or ice cream?: ice cream, but how does coffee even get into that comparison?
Shampoo or conditioner?: ummm, both. you can't have one without the other! ;)
Bridges or tunnels?: doesn't really matter
One pillow or two?: 2 i guess
*. . .F A V O R I T E S . . . *
Salad dressing?: ranch, thank you very much!
Color of socks?: white?
food? no idea...
color?: black, blue, green, and sometimes red
Non-alcoholic drink?: water, yay!
R A N D O M . . .
1 MINUTE AGO: what about it? well i was still doing this but there was a different song on the radio
1 DAY AGO: watching Meet the Fockers, good times!
1 WEEK AGO: it was christmas, nothing too exciting. sitting around bored, kinda like right now
1 YEAR AGO: doing nothing?
I MISS: some people that will go unmentioned...
I AM: bored and tired mixed together
Wearing: pj pants, story of the year shirt and good charlotte hoodie
Current Music: the radio, i forgot who the band is and what the song is called...haha
Current Taste: gum? yay?
Current Hair: it's down, straight, i dunno what else you want from it...?
Current Annoyance: if i didn't establish that in the last entry, it's that stupid/ugly bitch!
Current Smell: nothing really, the smell of my room i guess which happens to have an air freshener in it cuz i couldn't put it in the cars
Current thing I should be Doing: sleeping? doing something more productive than this?
Current Desktop Picture: the beautiful art of the beautiful Rob Tweedie of the lovely band Adair! :), i love those boys!
Current Favorite Show: maybe if i watched enough tv i could pick a favorite show
Current Book: eh, who reads anymore...
Current Movie In DVD player: ummm, well the last dvd i had in my dvd player was the copy of Ned's Coffeehouse but before that it was Meet The Parents
Current Refreshment: nothing really
well that was less than exciting
i'm done now.
bye bye