Feb 23, 2004 16:32
Friday i don't think anything happened in school, late to Cruz yet again and had a test in history. After school Danny and i chilled with everybody for a while since he had no practice. Mike brought his kittens and everybody was playing with them, they were so tiny!!! We walked to Ali's around 3:45 and chilled with her for a while. My mom picked us up from there around 5:30 and we came back here, watched the end of "Slackers" and ate dinner. Very low key but nice night, everything feels so normal now. :)
Saturday i called up Martine and we went to the fun fair at our old elementary school. It wasn't very fun... It loses luster every year... We spent 5 bucks on food each and just sat around and talked while eating and saw some of our old teachers and friends. Afterwards we walked back to my house and chilled. At 6 i went to pick up the Brand New cd for Katrina for her BDay but they were sold out of Deja Entendu. GRRRR!!! I got her a gift certificate instead, they'll get back in stock sometime. At best buy i saw my friend Maria who i haven't seen in MONTHS!!! I was so excited to see her up close again! At around 7 i got to Kat's. Rachel, Julie, Lauren, Liz and Caitlin were there. We ate, watched Castaway, (erm, parts of it) listened to music, talked, kinda played games and finally fell asleep around 2:30.
In the morning we ate donuts and continued talking. Fun shtuff :) My dad picked Julie and i up and we made plans for later. Around 4:45 Julz picked me up and then we went and picked up Danny. We met up with Gus and went to see "50 First Dates". It was kinda stupid at parts but overall it was one of the cutest movies i've ever seen! I'm not one to sit there and blubber at chick flicks, i rarely cry at movies, but at the end of this one i cried. Danny, Julz and Gus were mocking me for that one, haha. Afterwards we went to get ice cream and i got one of those bailey's shake things from hagen dazs and it made me sick since all i had eaten all day was junk. Oh well, i felt better soon. My dad picked Julz, Danny and i up at around 7:45 and we dropped them off. Ended my night with HW.
Today was normal, 6th period was incredibly boring and i have a good amount of homework for tonight. Ahhhh well, switched reunion next so i'm happy :)